A new hero is on the job : Meet APOSTA GIRL

by Watchtower-Free 20 Replies latest social humour

  • Watchtower-Free
  • cantleave

    Love it!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Love it

  • StoneWall

    Now that's a cartoon I'd like all the kids in the world to see. (adults too)

    I had to LOL at some of the captions in the word balloons.

    2 thumbs way up for Aposta Girl

  • smiddy

    Very clever , though you have to be quick to read the text before it changes.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Ha ha

  • rmt1

    As much as "a very small handful" of ex-JWs, who are filled with an unimpeachable righteous indignation, would love to act out in this fashion, and knock the teeth out of a few smarmy ass-hats, the video -by itself- does not adequately serve its occasional or unwitting visitor with very much (any) explication, establishment, lists of grievances, documentation, etc. The parties who call it abusive don't have much choice unless they go back 40 years, get born as a JW preeeee-millenium, live in that hell hole, get sick to the marrow of the bullshit, and have their very own desire to knock heads together. But you can trust CEOs or content providers will not go to those great lengths to understand the very human motivations behind the video.

  • RayPublisher

    I LOVE THIS!!!!!

  • EndofMysteries

    Incredible!!!! Anybody else get the urge to watch superman after this? lol.

    Anyway love it, hope to see more!

  • Stand for Pure Worship

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