Let's make a list of the families ruined by the Watchtower

by Faithful Witness 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Thanks for your comments. I am not trying to cause anyone pain, or to wallow in a group of self-pitifulness... to the contrary.

    There is power in numbers, and I was sort of thinking that someone who just passes by or lurks on this message board, might take notice of the title of this thread and make the realization that they are not alone. I know many here do not comment. I've noticed some people make their first post, after being members for years... I like reading the life stories and successes that people post, and it's neat to have a bunch together like this.

    Problemaddict, you make a good point. Thanks. I do have a joyous life, and am so glad to have the freedom to think for myself, and that my husband and I can make our own decisions about what is right for our children. I am also glad that we chose not to force them into this legalistic and work-based religious sect. I especially appreciate my Saturday morning family time at home!

  • Fernando

    Every person and family is negatively affected in many ways, some of which we are not yet able to fully understand or imagine.

    In our family's case the list of woes is just too hard for most people to read, let alone experience.

  • gma-tired2

    My family has 1 df'd and 2 shunning and several extended who shun.

    Husband family has our df'd one his sister df'd plus a nephew df'd and his family has 2 members who are shunning. The ones doing the shunning are actually the ones who are missing out on life.

  • blondie

    Ruined? That really condemns those who were hurt to a life in that pain...no hope of getting out? I was abused by my father, not protected by my alcoholic mother, spiritually abused by my own jw family, until I sought help outside the WTS. I kept the abusers out of my life and healed and have found a good life, even helping others escape and heal. We are not doomed unless we give up the fight and reject the help we found.

  • AudeSapere

    Dansk, one of my favorite posters from when I first joined this site, started a similar thread several years ago.

    Here is the link to that thread:


    RIP, Ian (Dansk)


  • smiddy


    Faithful Witness

    I agree this is a great topic that needs to be highlighted and thank you for drawing attention to it.


  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Blondie, that is a good point. I should have worded that differently. Thanks for clarifying the situation.

    Aude & Smiddy, thanks for posting that link. So many families have been affected.

  • nonjwspouse

    Mine is on the fence. it all hinges on the level of conrol the WT has on my husband. So it is goes day by day .

    Hope then fear, over and over. The marriage relationship is strained due to the WT,but not at the point of ruined.

    The relationship with his family will always be affected by the watchtower. The level and severity is to be determined in the future.

    I live in hope and faith that my life, and my family's life, will become a positive one regardless of the outcome of the hold the WT has on my husband.

    It is my integrity I am counting on to get me through. My strength to stand up against the cult, regardless of what might cause. I rely on strength to overcome fear.

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