Jw's: Who do you identify as the FDS?

by snare&racket 15 Replies latest forum announcements

  • snare&racket

    Who do you think is the FDS on earth today?

    Barely any JW can point at a GB member by face, fewer can name the governing body, fewer know these men in person or can account for them as people. Most JW's also do not even know who the fds is according to latest doctrine, most unaware of even a change in teaching.

    So, despite neither knowing the doctrine or the individuals even by name...... It is a disfellowshipping offence to say you are unsure, or you dont know who exactly the FDS are in 2013. This is absurd, negligent, ignorant and lazy! Subjecting yourself and your fsmily to an authority you cant explain ant to individuals you cant name. JW's acceptt this with a shrug of the shoulders , something any normal person/ parent would balk at!

    Concerning MATT 24 v 45 etc it is an illustration of a farmer leaving his farm fo be looked after. A good slave will be faithful and work hard while he is away and the evil slave will be lazy, get drunk and put off the masters return. That's all it says.

    The only people in 2013 who see these verses and insist that there is a hidden message of prophecy describing 8 men in brooklyn are ......the 8 men in Broklyn! [alarm bells] Do you read those versee and see that Prophecy/message? Why not? How do they?

    The same men believe this verse gives them the authority to declare themselves spokespersons of god, a 'divine channel'.

    The same people claim this verse gives them the right to demand submission, respect and obediance as they are a divine inspired authority.

    The same people use this verse to give themsleves the authority to punish followers on gods behalf!

    .........all THIS from one verse in matthew about good and bad slaves..... .!?!?

    It gets worse.......the 8 men who have decided this verse refers to themselves can only be appointed through vote and private invite by themselves! So, you are told you are FDS by the FDS and invited to the FDS by the FDS! No matter who you are, anyone reading matthew can see this does not fit the illustration or the account, this whole arrangement has been invented outside of those verses. By who and by what authority? Can they be 100% right on this matter? Considering the multiple changes of who the FDS is and even one member of the fds being disfellowshipped (Ray Franz) how is it ok to disfellowship people whi don'tt otally submit to it?

    So basically If you publiclly disagree/doubt/question/ sincerely believe that Jesus' illustration about good slaves and bad slaves may not have been describing 8 men you can't even name.....yeah thats right you will be disfelowshipped.

    WOULD ANYONE READING MATT 24 by the verses alone believe there was an ACTUAL fds? Would a reader of matt 24 alone (no watchtower indoctrination) identify an fds as being real and then identify it as the 8 guys in brooklyn?

    Not one person became a JW from reading matthew 24 and saying 'aha!'

    Yet the 8 guys in brooklyn base ALL their authority on that assumption!

    Something to think about....

    snare x

  • clarity

    Snare ...I'll take a chance ...

    there is No FDS ..it is a parable! Not a prophecy!

    A parable taken from a book that the Catholics pieced

    together about the 4th century. All made up!

  • snare&racket


    clarity, next time please announce at the start [SPOILER ALERT]


    snare x

    occasionaly I write threads for anon JW's who come by via google....

  • eyeuse2badub

    The 8 popes all speak English and most are Americans. WOW! O well it's an American religion, born and raised right here in the good ol' USA. Oh and yes they do have a token black American and a Vietnam vet for good measure.


  • EdenOne

    Personally, I'm persuaded that the "faithful and discreete" slave was the apostle Peter during his lifetime. Aside that, the parable has a generic teaching value about faithfulness of any Christian towards the Master.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Another Good One Snare!


  • smiddy

    Barely any JW can point at a GB member by face, fewer can name the governing body, fewer know these men in person or can account for them as people. Most JW's also do not even know who the fds is according to latest doctrine, most unaware of even a change in teaching.

    So, despite neither knowing the doctrine or the individuals even by name...... It is a disfellowshipping offence to say you are unsure, or you dont know who exactly the FDS are in 2013. This is absurd, negligent, ignorant and lazy! Subjecting yourself and your fsmily to an authority you cant explain ant to individuals you cant name. JW's acceptt this with a shrug of the shoulders , something any normal person/ parent would balk at!

    This is so very very true ,at least catholics can point to those who take the lead with them

    , rather than the faceless men who decide life and death issues that sometimes face jehovahs witnesses .


  • JudgeJudy70

    I think it so strange how we believe that there is a good or faithful slave but at the same time are instructed that there is no evil or bad slave. How can they just pick and choose and tell us what we should believe.

    My father uses the religion as a means to escape temporarily from reality. And I feel that many use it for this purpose. He did not think this system would last this long.

    Now at the District convention we will be getting to listen in on a few talks from the international convention and he thinks that the GB is trying to unite all of us because the end is coming soon again.

    I am so glad I went to College and did not feed into his thinking.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi JudgeJudy70... It is nice to have you with us. I am sorry your father, believes the fantasy that the WT sell's to it's member's,

    "You, possibly will not see death..." That is a con as old as the hills and there is nothing funny about it either. It is tragic.

    When you have time, start a new thread and tell us a little bit about what you would like us to know about you.

    And now back to your regularly scheduled program...

    LoisLane ... Also JudgeJudy70, we are happy you are a free thinker and went to College too.

    Can you imagine the arrogance of these Crazy 8's saying you CAN'T???

  • Junebuggie

    In my opinion, I think the FDS is anyone who is a follower of Jesus that is doing what he should be doing with the gifts given to him by God.

    A parable yes.. I don't think God wants us to be lazy or lacking (=an evil slave) in serving Him. One who works for God, doing good and being trustworthy (= the fds)

    But 8 men in NYC ? Rationing food at the proper time? No wonder so many JW are leaving...they are being starved & poisoned to death.

    The GB is giving only tasty portions ( of poisoned food ) laced with "new light". I am glad that I am no longer poisoned with their food.

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