Who is going to heaven? What does the new app say about this?

by Faithful Witness 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    I just finished reading the letter at www.annointedjw.org, in which they respond to the new bible and its commentary. Interesting opening paragraph:

    " While we can appreciate the decision to revise some of the language to conform to a more modern understanding, we are quite at a loss as to why you would interject so much commentary of your own into such a sacred writing. We also note that you fail to indicate on the cover that your personal commentaries are included. The additions are what the Apostle Paul described as matters “which end up in nothing, but which furnish questions for research rather than a dispensing of anything by God in connection with faith.” ( 1 Timothy 1:3-4 ) It would have been wiser, and far more discreet, to have combined all your commentaries into a separate publication rather than pollute the sacred writings."

    Complete letter can be viewed here: https://anointedjw.org/uploads/L-WBTS_100913.pdf

    Has anyone found anything that explains the earthly hope or the "two-hope" doctrine in the new bible or the blessed JW library app? I'm curious. Maybe they are planing to reveal new light on this issue. Since they are introducing rapture for some now, maybe they will soon be rolling out heavenly hope for all. I encourage anyone interested to read this letter. They make some good points about the commentary, if the claims in the letter are true.

    " you devote practically all of your pages to Jewish history and obscure trivia that Paul said was obsolete. ( Hebrews 8:13 )"

    "You give more attention to Paul’s ministry than to Jesus’ ministry. And what is printed about Jesus is limited to the final few days of his earthly life and identifies him as merely “the offspring who is the Heir to David’s throne!” This is most reprehensible! It appears that your revised Bible is just another way to distract from the plain and open teachings and dishonor Christ Jesus. We sincerely hope that our brothers are not misled by the shiny appearance of your revised Bible."

    "Perhaps there is yet hope for our organization. If the Catholic Church can make changes in doctrines that they have held onto for centuries, surely you men can make the needed changes in doctrines that have only been taught for less than 80 years."

    I'm not sure of the validity of this website, but I thought the comments made in this letter were very interesting. Definitely worth reading... And it does raise some questions.

  • DS211

    I really enjoy their letters to the GB. Although this may be true about the revised NWT they still put forth at meetings the two hope abomination.

  • DS211

    I have ongoing emails going to and from with anointedjw and i can tell you they are very well versed in scripture and highly nonjudgmental. In fact when i ask for advice they dont ever tell me what they woukd do or want me to do....they lead to prayer and reading context of scripture. And they agree with most on JWN about the governing body. He ce the letters. In fact i feel it may be because of them and all the other "apostates" that the gb has tightened its grip around others. Whats interesting is in january 2014 the Talks will be given straight from the insight books...no outside info. This is partly because beothers are standing up on the llatform and reading these guys' articles and opening eyes. Im very skeptical about who i talk to or where any info comes from and i havent (as of yet) found anything to makt me think these two are liars and deceivers. The speculate but they make us aware of speculation. That being said all are free (thank god) to make their own decisions without havng to worry about big brother wt breathing doan their neck. I appreciate all sites thct allow that.


    I have the RNWT from the AGM. It's still in the wrapper. Still, I am sure that anointedjw.org is correct. We all the know the WTBTS is "under law." They love it, actually. It makes my heart sick.

  • BU2B

    It is so painful to see people so thoroughly fooled and conned. However many of them relish following rules and obeying orders.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The website you quote is quite rightly highlighting how Jesus' role is often treated as an afterthought by WTBTS. For example, Acts 11:26 shows that God assigned the name 'Christians', but J.F. Rutherford, (Don Corleone of Brooklyn Heights) decided that his brand-name was better! The following 23 Scriptures ever so slightly tip the balance against Isaiah 43:10, to show that we are Witnesses of Christ, not God. Christ was God's Witness!

    Matt. 10:18; Mark 13:9; Acts 1:8; John 1:15; John 5:37; John 8:18; John 15:26,27; Acts 10:39; Acts 10:43; Acts 13:31; Acts 22:15; Acts 22:20; Acts 23:11; Acts 26:16; 1 Cor. 1:6; 1 Tim. 2:6,7; 2 Tim. 1:8; 1 John 5:9; Rev. 1:9; Rev. 12:17; Rev. 17:6; Rev. 19:10; Rev. 20:4.

    So all Witnesses (virtually all!) are deluded into the false teaching that they have to be witnesses of Jehovah. They are opposing the clear teachings & commands of God's Word to represent Christ!

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Yes, you should have seen my mom squirm yesterday, when we i was looking over a worksheet my daughter is doing for her bible study fellowship lesson this week. It was about being persecuted because of Jesus.

    frankly, I am still in recovery from the false teaching of the WTS, and not equipped to examine their latest claims and grasping at truth. I and my family are busy learning about the real Jesus.

    If anyone finds this info in the app or "bible," please do share. I like reading the observations of others.

  • DS211

    Big t ng is these people neither claim to be "inspired of God" and dont screw around with prophecy....they are just like us...screwed over by the WTBS.



    Just find a good translation and read it for the enjoyment. Keep an open mind and don't get dogmatic. Use biblegateway, get familiar with a good concordance. Become a BIBLE student.

    Please don't take anything that I have said as spiritual food. Only the GB of Jehovah's Witneses can dispense spiritual food.


  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Searcher: ...we are Witnesses of Christ, not God. Christ was God's Witness! ... So all Witnesses (virtually all!) are deluded into the false teaching that they have to be witnesses of Jehovah. They are opposing the clear teachings & commands of God's Word to represent Christ!

    Why cannot one be witnesses of both? If one reads the Old Testament carefully, it's quite clear that Jehovah was the pre-existent Christ. The titles of both are virtually the same: Judge, Shepherd, King of Kings, Lord of Lords; Savior, Redeemer, First and Last. Jesus also enraged the Jews by telling them that "before Abraham was, I AM." As John pointed out, "The Father judges no man, but hass delivered all judgment unto the Son." (John 5:22)

    The Society has long held that Jehovah is the great judge of mankind, yet they missed the doctrine that Jesus was the incarnate God of Israel. It was a big doctrine to miss, yet they have.

    The emphasis is now on Christ. Jesus said that upon the rock of revelation he would build his church. He didn't say it was Jehovah's church, but his church..

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