Since leaving the WT, are you a better person?

by roybatty 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • roybatty

    I’m not asking from someone else’s standard but instead from your own. Obviously JWs would view most of us here as the worst of the worst but how do you feel about yourself now that you have left the Watchtower? What changes have you noticed about yourself? The reason I ask this is because I have noticed two profound changes in myself and I wonder what others have noticed about themselves.
    The first one I have noticed is that I now truly enjoy seeing people succeed at achieving their “worldly” goals. Upon reflection on my time spent as a JW, whenever someone achieved any amount of success at their job or running their own business, I would question their dedication to God (“why aren’t they aux. pioneering instead of spending so much time at work?” etc.). I believe this comes from all the years of Watchtower conditioning, drumming into my head that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING outside the congregation is under Satan’s control. That any goal other then those set by the Society is a sign of spiritual weakness and would only be temporary because we are in the “last days of this wicked system of things.” Now, instead of questioning peoples motives, it’s so much more enjoyable just to be happy for them. Recently I encouraged a friend of mine with her search for a new job. It was wonderful when she landed one that she thought might be out of reach. It was great to hear her describe the joy she feels working at this new place and the measure of freedom she now has earning her own money after being a stay-at-home mom for so many years.
    Another change I noticed in myself is being honest and open with people regarding what I believe in and not being tolerate of those whom I refer to as “weasels.” As a JW, there were so many beliefs I had that I couldn’t or wouldn’t completely share with “worldly associates.” You know what I’m talking about, the WT’s view on who’s going to die at Armageddon, “false” religion, shunning, etc. Whenever a non-JW would ask “Hey, you guys believe that everyone who isn’t a JW will be destroyed at Armageddon, right?” Just about all JWs believe this, but I’d say something like “no, we don’t believe that, only God can read a person’s heart and He will judge them…blah…blah..” What a weasel statement! By it’s own example, I believe that the Society teaches its followers to be liars. The Reasoning book has so many “politically correct” answers and half-truths that do not truly describe what most JWs are taught. Another example is on the WT’s own web site. On it the WT distorts the truth about disfellowshipping and it’s effects on families. Obviously they do this because the Web site is viewed by the public. My belief is that JWs are taught to lie and be deceitful. Even reflecting on the sample presentations in the Kingdom Ministry JWs are taught to “trick” people. They are taught to “hide” and lie about what the WT really believe and teaches it’s followers. It has been wonderful to break this chain.
    Anyway, I hope I don’t sound as if I’m tooting my own horn but I’m just wondering what changes you have noticed in yourself since leaving the WT.

  • Englishman


    Yup! I'm totally honest now about what I feel and what I believe. I listen to my own conscience now, not that of the Boyz 'n Brooklyn.

    Good post.



    Most debateable--depend on who you would ask....HAVE FUN t o d a y !!!

  • TR

    Well, at least I don't dogmatically defend a wacked out religion anymore! Let alone join one!


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • LB

    I agree about being taught half truths, such as the "Jehovah will judge your hearts" line.

    I feel one area where I'm better is in that I am a heck of a lot less judgemental these days.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • ThiChi

    Better? I can't say. But I'm free Baby. And freedom is what its all about.....

  • mouthy

    I am a much better person-I was always so self rightous-looked at priests,nuns homosexuels,ministers,pastors,etc:etc: as part of Babylon-I now have Homosexuels ,Priests,Minsters & Pastors as very good friends.I say what I believe -even if it dont fit in what others think-What is very rewarding to me-is how my Grandchildren & Great grandchildren come to me with their things they have done "wrong"??
    Where as I now know my own kids wouldnt tell me what was bothering them- because they KNEW I would judge them-( Watchtower style)
    These kids come to me with everything!!!!!They know I will help whatever the problem.WHATEVER!!!!!Because we ALL fall short at sometime or other.Since God examines hearts! I am greatful( although I wish I could send my time in to Brooklyn- I have more than Pioneer times)lol

  • pandora

    I changed the moment I came out. I didn't have to be judgmental of people and their chosen way of life anymore and that freedom was wonderful to me. It always bothered me that they said they love everyone and then make exceptions to that rule.
    But at the beginning I was on a suicide course. I still believed that I was going to die because of my decision. When I finally came to the realization that they were lying to me, That was the day a true change happened. That was the day I decided to live. That was the day I realized it was all up to me. Now I am happy, because now I am responsible for ME.

  • badwillie

    All of you are so lucky. Very soon after leaving the JW's I became addicted to heroin and other strong drugs...this habitual drug use has led me right into direct contact with demons. They (the demins) then introduced me to dollar bars, gentlemen's clubs, and strip joints. This then led me into addiction to masturbation and pornography. I'm a lot happier now.
    -BadWillie and the Demons

  • roybatty

    Bummer badwille. Those demons will do it to you every time. But with all those years of experience, I bet they know where to find the best smack and strip joints for you.

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