I'm Not Effective Here

by Farkel 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    I know this and I've known this for a pretty long time.

    Sorry to youse who want to receive a different message than what I offer. You will get what you want from those who give you what you want. I have no problem with that.

    There IS a place for me to play. I just haven't found it yet!


  • butalbee
    There IS a place for me to play. I just haven't found it yet!

    Hey, Farkel, wanna come over, let's play....

  • Xena

    Farkel define effective.....you have made people laugh, cry, think and argue....you have touched them and been touched by them...you have been serious, funny, kind and truthful...some have listened and replied...some have just listened....by my defination you have been pretty effective.

    But that is just me

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Well, I suppose only you can define what your purpose or, goal, is.

    Whatever it is, I hope that you can find the place that will bring meaning for you.


  • blondie

    Farkel, I find what you say insightful and entertaining (not necessarily simultaneously), and I always look for your posts. I don't always agree with you but I always learn something new.

  • Stephanus

    Nowhere to play? When the first three responses to your post are by women flaunitng their plunging necklines??

    But seriously Fark, don't let it get to you. Have a lie down for a few days and come back when you get over your blue funk. I'm technically bipolar and go through that sort of thing on a cyclical basis; avoiding stuff I could otherwise easily handle is the best cure at those times.

  • Scully


    I hear what you're saying, I really do, and I understand the feelings you're describing.

    I hope you'll remember those voiceless lurkers who read and absorb the more serious posts that folks like you write, the ones that get them to think, the ones that make the wheel in their head start turning, and the ones that make the sleeping hamster beside the wheel wake up and start running again.

    Most of the lurkers sit quietly in the background, just taking in. Maybe that's all they're capable of doing for the time being. Maybe they're in such shock and disbelief over what they are learning about a lifetime of WTS indoctrination, that all they can do is come back and read more... until one day they find their voice.

    That's how it was for me. Then, once I found my voice, people started wishing I would shut the hell up. But it is people like you who take the time and make the effort to put into words what the WTS has done that make such a difference to the voiceless lurkers out there who are desperately trying to figure out why their Spiritual Paradiseā„¢ has turned into a rotten stinking cesspool.

    Believe it or not Farkel, you are and always will be "effective", no matter where you are.

    Love, Scully

  • seven006


    I personally think you are a complete waste of good oxygen on this planet and you should go play in a toxic waste dump. But that just me and I'm one of the few here who really like you.

    Don't be a Farkel, I personally love your posts and you haven't paid me to say that for weeks. Do we need to go out and shoot a game of pool? You got my number stud!

    Big manly 1.7 second guy hug when nobody is looking,


    PS: Damn, I just noticed the women who are responding to you..........I get it!

    I feel so lonely and completely worthless. I don't know why I go on........ how do you do that little sad face icon thing?

  • Joyzabel

    Applauding Scully's comments.


    please don't go.


  • Scully


    you have to start your own sympathy thread

    Love, Scully

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