I'm Not Effective Here

by Farkel 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • teejay

    What’s up witchu, Farkel? Why do you have to post these “oh, whoa is me” threads all every other month? What’s up with that?

    Are you effective? Hell, I don’t know. It all depends on what you are trying to do by posting here. Recruit folks to the “Religion of Arkel”? Make money? Cause loyal JWs to leave their religion? Hope to regularly hear how smart you are, how sound your posts are? Get a couple dozen emails each week saying how much one of your commentaries helped somebody’s JW mom-in-law, JW sister or JW workmate to ‘see the light’? If so, I’d say the chances are pretty good that you are quite ineffective and I *do* understand your pain.

    So? What now?

    The way I see it, you’ve grown, or perhaps, OUTgrown your audience and need to move on to more fertile ground. On the other hand, maybe what you do here is needed and you simply need to re-evaluate your goals and what you can reasonably expect from JW.com. Either way... it won’t be the end of the word.

    What you need to do is stop crying in your soup, Farkel. It’s tiring.

  • think41self

    A certain posters response is very interesting, especially considering Farkel's kinder response to their Goodbye Forever post.



    This side of Eden, whether we realize it or not, we feel the stain on our souls, and at every opportunity, we try to scrub it away with steel-wool guilt.

  • Derrick

    Farkel, before you go, this might be my last post here for a long time and so pardon the pomp and circumstance that is about to gush forth from my keyboard. Just wanted to mention that if you're tooling around on a hot summer's day in your internet sports coupe, and, well, down there on a country road off interstate 66, http://www.aimoo.com/h2o/ (in our neck of the woods), why not pay us a visit? It seems that right about now, matter of fact, H2O's population is 0.00, and she's in need of someone who specializes in cardiac CPR. I know that you're retiring from the ambulance service but if you could just, for old times sake, give H2O's fair breasts a few jolts from that cardiac machine you carry around with you, to get her heart going, I mean, you see, she's having an out of body experience and doesn't like staring down at her body laying there. Don't get me wrong, I mean, touch her in the wrong places and tango with the moderators. But for someone who has changed so profoundly, I slap my own hands for even insinuating such insults.

    Please, Farkel, one last miracle, she needs a jump start in the worst way, so will you help get that interstate 66 traffic flowing to her downtown to a place with an international open flair that was once likened to the bar in "Cassablanca" -- frequented by those shady characters played by Bogart and Baccall? Afterall you're retired now, you're leaving this all behind, you've served your tour of duty and the Watchtower can harm you less than a pimple on your butt. Why not give it a go, as the British say?

    Well, that's enough! At least I tried. Your timing is impeccable, I must say, because a Belgian brothel atmosphere is taking hold of this place, and even I have seriously considered taking flight myself. No matter which direction the winds turn, enjoy your retirement, Farkel, and as you walk away from this site, the ancient words to the wise are true as ever, "remember Lot's wife." ;-)


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango
    You know all us guys do not use them, it's definitely a chick thing.

    dave, [8>]

    hehe! < hmm, i noticed giggling is just a chick thing too

    let me dream inside you

  • Prisca

    Excuse me Think41, but that was NOT a goodbye forever post, and neither was this one.

    I still stand by what I said to Farkel. He's a big enough man to handle it, or don't you think he is?


  • Farkel


    Thanks for the nice words.

    : Just wanted to mention that if you're tooling around on a hot summer's day in your internet sports coupe, and, well, down there on a country road off interstate 66, http://www.aimoo.com/h2o/ (in our neck of the woods), why not pay us a visit?

    I'll think about it. Uh, Moddy 14 isn't still around there is he?


  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    Farkel, me again!

    I was just reflecting: once in a while, on this forum we get to see ourselves in a mirror for what we really are wether we like that image or not it always serves for our advance. In other words, how many times your comments uncovers hidden motives that the one posting wasn't aware off... sometimes our reactions to that kind of exposure, makes us jump and we go into denial for a while, but ALWAYS, deep inside us, we know there is a truth about us that will make us grow....

    Some of your words have done that service to others in this forum... Also, how many trolls have you uncover? And that it's a big service to this forum especially for the lurkes.

    Prisca could be very well doing that job to you even though I feel like telling Prisca off just because I like you so much... but, as I said before, I am one who does not know you yet to well... who does anyway? only we know ourselves, but lot of times we need to reflect our images on this forum's mirrors... I know my day will come! I just to chicken cause I'm embarras to all of you still. And I know I wil be embarras, that's the way I am. I'm a bit embarras of my English writting.

    "Mis dos", love and harmony,


  • waiting

    Hello Farkel,

    Whatever your decision, I hope you find peace in your new playground. If you decide to go, we'll miss you. If you stay....you have our continued friendship.


  • david_10

    Hey Farkel----- What do you mean you're "not effective?" I think you're one of the best posters around here. I always look forward to reading you. Snap out of it.


    PS----- What pieces are you working on?

  • Solace

    Im not into the games some play around here either.
    In a perfect world, everyone would just be real.
    Sometimes I take a break for a day or two depending on whats going on with the family.
    If you do leave, check in now and then anyway.
    I love your posts and crazy Madd face.

    "Bite you"????
    Only if you enjoy that sort of thing!

    Take Care.

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