Donations aren't coming in from Western Countries: more confirmation

by Julia Orwell 65 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    In talking to Sparky the elder today ( I found out he did the accounts for our congregation for years. He said very rarely did the congregation meet its expenses without some well-off brother chipping in a few grand here and there. The elders would also make up the shortfall. The congregation never receives enough contributions for the magazines either. He said it would cost the congregation $7 per publisher per month, but they never got that equivalent amount. I mentioned about the selling of the Brooklyn properties, and likened it to having to hock your guitar to pay the rent.

    So here's another elder telling me the org is unable to cover expenses. Thought it was interesting. How many elders are out there who don't tell you? All of them must know the WT is becoming poor.

  • whathappened

    It ain't gonna get any better either. Yeah!

  • zound

    That's interesting that elders have to make up the shortfall - I can't imagine this would be widespread, considering some of the greedy elders I used to know.


    The WBT$ isn`t becoming poor..

    A once lucrative business is drying up..

    The WBT$ JW Cult..

    Maybe the WBT$ will Sell the JWs to the Catholics..

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  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Julia, Just wanting to clarify.

    The $7.00 per publisher per month is to cover literature expenses only?

    Or the $7.00 includes power, water, insurance AND literature?

    Whichever way it is... Isn't Crooklyn getting paid twice for the literature? Once when publisher's "donate" for the literature, and the 2nd time, when householders give us their donation, that we put in the contribution box for them?


  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    So lets see. Hmmmm. A poster that sees herself as a feminine version of a fictitious writer substituting Julia for George states that she has the inside track on the financial health of God's Organization. Her mole? An elder that supposedly did the accounts for his congregation. An evidently spiritually weak elder at that considering he's relaying confidential talk to someone inactive. Ha! Might as well post letters from the branch on Reddit! Even if George Orwell, oops I mean Julia posts truthfully, than this elder is basically a Judas or well on his way to becoming one. Even if what Ms.Orwell states is true, the organization's longevity is a testament to Jehovah's blessing. Just another example within a long list of circumstances that God miraculously provided for His people.


    Hey SFPW..

    How would you like getting Sold to the Catholics?!..

    They`re a similar Team..

    They hide pedophiles just as well as the WBT$..But..

    The Catholics have only 1 Pope..

    The WBT$ has 8 GB Rock Star Popes,who Autograph Bibles!!..

    Could you get used to only 1 Pope who doesn`t autograph Bibles?!..

    A Pope who won`t autograph Bibles?!.....Thats pretty Lame..

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  • grumblecakes

    Hello and welcome to JWN Stand for Pure Worship.

    It's so nice to see a person such as yourself in this day and age buying out the time to think about religion, the world around them, and their own lives, and perhaps even ask themselves critical questions. You are to be commended!

    If you have just a moment, please direct your attention to vast array of threads on here that encourage such critical thinking.

    If possible, maybe myself and one of my associates could make arrangements to stop by next week and see what you thought about what you've read?

  • notjustyet

    There are quite a few mole elders. They are stuck in a cult due to family all being jws.

    How do you think we got the Elders private book not allowed for any others eyes? Shepherding the flock of god came out in 2010 I eleven and can be downloaded from the web. Interesting read to say the least. My fav is as it uses jw printed history to show that the WTBTS is not a channel a god would use to save people.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell


    The $7.00 per publisher per month is to cover literature expenses only?

    Or the $7.00 includes power, water, insurance AND literature?"

    That's just the power, water, council rates and property. The literature is separate all together.

    " Even if George Orwell, oops I mean Julia posts truthfully, than this elder is basically a Judas or well on his way to becoming one. Even if what Ms.Orwell states is true, the organization's longevity is a testament to Jehovah's blessing. Just another example within a long list of circumstances that God miraculously provided for His people."

    And what of Orwell? How do you know I'm not distantly related to him and have taken his pen name to honour my great uncle? How do you know my real last name in the real world is not Blair? And Blair to Orwell- it's a short jump. I happen to be a great admirer of George Orwell, and chose my name in his honour, like someone else might choose Dickens. What I state is true. It is what I was told. And if the org's longevity is testament to J's blessing, then the Catholic church is far more blessed as it is longer living and better provided for.

    How many of George Orwell's books and essays have you read, if any?

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