Annual Meeting Instructions to MS / Elders

by jw07 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jw07

    Have any elders or ministerial servants here recieved any specific instructions regarding the annual meeting? As an MS all I have been told to do is to arrive early to "await further instruction due to the sensitive nature of my assignment". Ironically all I can imagine after hearing that a few times is dispensing cyanide laced Kool Aid to attendees. I bet all this psuedo-secrecy is just to hype a new bible and, or the call for MORE MONEY!!!

  • Londo111


  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    My mom told me they are serving biscuits and juice... I'm not joking. This reminds me of bread and wine.

    Do they normally serve refreshments? Why not cookies or muffins... Biscuits? (in America, these are like dinner rolls, not cookies)

  • mindnumbed


    It's a cult.

    They are tired of apostates stealing their thunder and preempting their big announcements and new releases.

    All the secrecy and big deal about the annual meeting will do wonders in making the rank and file feel important, that a little deal is a great big deal, and that the Organization is looking out for them in this time of the end.

    They are trying to regain a semblence of control that they have lost in recent years.

    Jesus wouldn't let demons announce him as messiah, this is the Org trying to do the same thing with opposers.

  • OnTheWayOut

    To all MS's and Elders, BRING YOUR CHECKBOOK OR CREDIT CARD!!!!!!!


  • TTATTelder

    I am currently serving as an elder and I personally, as well as the other elders in my hall, haven't received any special instructions whatsoever that could clue us all in to anything.

    I do know that brothers at the host kingdom halls (which I am not at) have received detailed instructions on the arrangements and so forth. If there is a release, those boxes of literature are somewhere in place and ready. The fact that there are limited host halls, limits the number of brothers that know anything to share on the forum.

  • jw07

    My MONEY is on a 'updated bible' MONEY is also on alert to be hidden at the slightest grab at it by the Watchtower Corporation.

  • snare&racket

    It is all soooooooo weird !

    it is all soooooooo cultish !

    It will be suuuuuuuuch an anti climax!

  • Quarterback

    I don't think that their will be any boxes of books at the KH's. The new Bibles will probably become available for distribution at a later date.

    I suspect that we will probably become more aware about details of the new website that was announced already at our 2013 conventions. They told us then that this will becoming available in the new year.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Not another snore fest! I'd rather watch my cartoons...

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