If You Were A Bro(tm) Did You Enjoy The Prestiage Of Giving A Talk? Do You Miss It?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • joe134cd

    It was a pain in the arse, and it took valuable time away from my TV viewing having to prepare it. With the I intro of the computer and been able to cut and pasting, it made things more tolerable. Could pump a 5 min TMS in an hour or two.

  • Jazzbo

    I was always considered one of the better speakers in the Circuit and I gave talks at both Circuit Assemblies and District Conventions. To be honest I tried to do as good a job as possible but it was quite a lot of work to turn out a good product. I didn't particularly enjoy the attention, I just wanted to do a good job.

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