Did Jesus really exist?

by slimboyfat 97 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • adamah

    imposters have been around since the begining of time (Satan the first ?)

    Oh, my bad then: I thought this thread was about HISTORICAL figures, but you want to being mythological characters into it?

    If Josephus is a liar and Tacitus is a liar then pretty much of what they wrote is lies and in extent you can't believe anything of what ancient historians wrote about anything !

    OR, you need to read their accounts with a grain of salt, something any reader still needs to do with EVERY CLAIM they read, even today (or did you not learn that lesson from the WT/Awake! mags?).


  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    @cofty,Indirect archeological findings that confirm the Gospels authenticity

  • zound

    There's a possibility that Nazareth didn't exist in Jesus day, but only was around after he died when the accounts were being written - not proven though, there's no strong evidence either way.

    Also, if you read the account about Jesus entering the city on a Donkey - it says 'in order that the prophesy is fulfilled'. Meaning the disiples knew what the prophesy was (from reading the old testiment) as did Jesus, so they found a donkey for Jesus to enter the city on. This is just a point to rebutt someones mention of the dead sea scrolls prophesying Jesus in advance.

    Why would the first 3 century Christians put them selves through persecution and violent death for a fabricated character?

    Why do muslims do the same?

    What are these archilogical evidences?

    If you're referring to the 'artifacts' in Jerusalem. Eg. A bit of wood that is supposedly part of the cross. Or some dirt patch that is supposedly where the cross was etc etc - then please.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    OK ,you don't believe in Satan ,this is another argument

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    So Josephus and Tacitus conspired to fabricate the Jesus character ,for the purpose of?

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    It seems to me that the ones refuting the historicity of Jesus are atheists in here .That's alright 99% of historians disagree with you .Get over it ,Jesus did exist .Now if this is the case ,the next question is :Is he the Son of God ? and what would happen to me if I deny him...

  • designs

    If the 'Jesus' of the Gospels existed it is obvious he missed a few classes on Judaism. Most Jews don't have a problem with saying a Jesus existed, they are not threatened by this character because so much is wrong and missing in his messianic claims.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    @zound ,to determine the historical accuracy of a document you examine all mention to persons and places mentioned in this document ,That is what I'm referring to .Some archelogical evidence to that effect:

    First it was the name of the Roman governor Pontius Pilate found in a monument in Caesarea, Israel, in 1961.

    Then came the discovery in 1990 in Jerusalem of an ossuary, a burial box for bones, bearing the name of Caiaphas, the high priest who condemned Jesus. Just recently it appears the most spectacular of all archaeological finds relating to Jesus has surfaced.

    Another ossuary has come to light, this one bearing the names of Jesus, James and Joseph, three of the most prominent people in the New Testament. The ancient Aramaic words inscribed on the limestone box state that it belonged to "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus."

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    @designs ,like Jesus prophesy about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 c.e. and the persecution of the JEWS he prophesied that would occur afterwards ,sure...

  • cofty
    @cofty,Indirect archeological findings that confirm the Gospels authenticity

    Baker Street really exists, I have walked along it dragging a suitcase. There was no sign of Sherlock.

    It seems to me that the ones refuting the historicity of Jesus are atheists in here

    I'm an atheist, as I said above I think there was a Jesus of history. Almost everything christians think they know about him is myth.

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