Too many changes mean more changes to come

by Verenda 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • problemaddict

    Hello Verenda,

    I know someone already said it, but you are among friends. people here think differently and coexist for the sake of support and learning. And isn't that all just kind of the point really?

    First, the sheep and goats thing hasn't changed since the 90's. And to clarify what you think they believe (it is a twisted mess so don't feel bad), they still believe once the GT starts, it will be too late to repent, and you will have already been judged. Thats tribulation....not Armagedon.

    If I was you, as painful and odd as it may sound, I would get up to date on all of this stuff. Get to the scriptures that basically say truth does not change. On one hand it can seem admirable that the society is willing to change when they are wrong.......but that isn't really what this is. its what everyone THINKS it is, but it isn't really.

    The logical inconsistancies are good to be aware of when you hit a brick road like the one you described. Can they change their mind because they are imperfect men? Sure why not. Everyone misunderstands the bible sometimes even the apostles right? She is actually right. What she is not taking into consideration, is that if you do not agree with a "current understanding" or you "question the slave", you can be disfellowshipped. Imagine that, simply for thinking different and talking to maybe a couple friends could be DF'd.

    Blood is a great one. You take Albumin for a medical issue in 1999, you are disfellowshipped unless you repent. A year later, its all good. Do they seek out ones mistreated by "former understandings"? Nope. There is a good one to explain.

    Then with the new change, white blood cells are forbidden, and Abumin is "christian to decide". Yes Albumin is 6% of your blood, and white cells are 2.3% (rough). So what made these non-doctor type dudes decide one was a conscience matter, and one was not?

    Leave her with questions. You are in a unique situation where you may be able to reach your family, but you need to be very careful and tread lightly.

  • problemaddict

    Oh yeah......don't let them get baptized, and give her some questions to take to the elders. Just make sure on your end when you send her off with a question, that you have done the research and have the articles and paper neccesary. It is more than the elders will do, and when she explains they just brushed it off with a "we never taught that" or some other BS, you can be the one on the right side of the line of truth.

  • caliber

    own private petting zoo and free fruit platters. Can you compete with that?


    worth the gamble !!

  • ABibleStudent

    Verenda - She could not grasp the idea that if they are being directed by God there should be no misuderstandings. . . .

    Anyway, I am not sure how to help her if she can even be helped. And where do we go when we figure out all the lies? I still believe in Jehovah and the basic teaching in the bible, so where do I go now? thanks

    Welcome Verenda , I hope that you post often to vent your feelings and to ask more detailed questions about helping yourself and your JW family.

    Damn ILoveTTATT for stealing my thunder. LOL Actually I wish that more JWN members would greet new members with what helped them and why, so that new members could heal emotionally more quickly.

    If you want to help your daughter you must first help yourself heal emotionally. The good news is that your daughter and her husband are still unbaptized, have a child, and JWs are taught by the WTBTS to behave in predictable ways. The bad news is the WTBTS uses very powerful BITE control techniques to victimize JWs. The most important thing that you can do is do lots of research about the WTBTS and BITE control.

    I recommend that you do the following first:

    1. Visit websites like,,,,, etc. Just click on the previous links to be directed to the websites.
    2. Search the internet for cult exit counselors to either visit them, read their books, or watch their videos. Find a cult exit counselor that you can relate to - everyone is unique and relates differently. I recommend Steve Hassan because I feel that he is very good, he was once in a dangerous cult, I relate to his methods and approach, and he has a website ( with lots of good and free information and videos about his methods. Steve Hassan has written "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs". I also highly recommend that you watch the following three videos of Steve Hassan: Steve Hassan explains SIA method to rescue loved ones from unhealthy situations (2003), NY Ethical Culture Society February 2013 (41:09), and NY Ethical Culture Society 2010 (40:56).
    3. Post on JWN as much as you need to instead of telling JWs about your doubts or trying to convince them that the WTBTS does not have the "Truth" and to ask for help on specific questions that you have.
    4. If you are financially secure, visit a cult exit counselor to discover any residual WTBTS induced phobias that you have that affect your critical thinking skills or strongly affect you emotionally (i.e., pet peeves).
    5. Write down what your objectives and plans are to help yourself and to help your JW family to critically think for themselves.

    To help your JW family, I recommend that you do the following:

    1. Ask them simple benign questions and listen to what they say and watch how they act. You need to discover why they want to behave as JWs, what triggers thier cult persona to take control of their actions, and what helps their authentic persona to control their cult persona. The more that you learn, the more you can ask simple questions that plant seeds of doubts in your JW family.
    2. Offer to babysit your grandchildren as much as possible to help them to critically think for themselves. Instill a desire to use the internet to research homework and to visit travel/vacation sites to search for bargins. Help you grandchildren to ask you questions about what you think and why you tell them not to do something so that they do not hurt themselvs. Read the bible with your grandchildren and help them to understand how the Pharisees and Saducees tried to victimize Jews with BITE control techniques and how Jesus Christ tried to confornt them. DO NOT say or imply anything bad about the WTBTS. It may backfire on you.
    3. Invite your JW family to do fun and interesting things that they will enjoy that will also conflict with JW meetings/conventions.
    4. Invite your JW family to get involved in time-consuming hobbies that will interest them and allow less time for reading WTBTS propaganda and going to WTBTS meetings. I recommend getting involved with investing, social dancing, and traveling.
    5. Help your JW family to use the internet to find WTBTS propaganda on (and possible on websites like JWN), to find travel bargins/make reservations on travel websites (and possible stay at non-WTBTS endorsed hotels in convention/assembly cities).
    6. Send your JW family anonymous emails like I wrote about in You’ve Got Mail! TM.

    Best of wishes helping yourself and your JW family to critically think for themselves. It will be a frustrating and time-consuming effort, but it will be priceless for your JW family to live free of the WTBTS.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • respectful_observer


    Interesting factoid on that Paradise illustration, part of the picture appears in other places. Look at the Dec 1, 1990 WT, p. 7. It's the only photographic representation of the Paradise I remember seeing.

    Does that mean women CAN wear pants in the New System?

    That same cluster of people appears in a painting inside the front cover of a brochure from the 90s on a beach with cliffs.

  • Nathan Natas
  • designs

    Does anyone remember the GB member (Knorr era) who said they should scrap everything and start over.

  • ABibleStudent

    @ Nathan Natas, JWN's editor has been acting quircky for me lately. When a link does not automatically paste into the JWN editor, highlight the URL address and either right-click and then select "Link/Edit", or highlight and click on the link button in the editor's menu bar. Also, I prefer to select display links in a new window instead of in the same window.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • flipper

    VERENDA- Welcome to the board ! You asked " where do you go " ? You get into living real life in reality. No more fantasy JW beliefs and assumptions. As you state WT leaders aren't being led by God as they change constantly. It's just a huge scam. We are here for you as a support so as to help you to think with freedom of mind now. Several books which helped me to do so after I got out of the Witnesses were Steve Hassan's books. His website is : . I encourage you to do some research to totally free yourself from the JW influence. Take care, Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • sspo

    Welcome to the board !

    Just a minor point.....JW use Prov 4:18 that the light gets brighter and that's why the many changes for the last 140 years.

    Why not read the surrounding scriptures in Prov 4 and see what Solomon was talking about.

    Why would a God continue to make changes in doctrines for the last 140 years, what would be the purpose of fooling, tricking and changing doctrines.

    The whole thing does not make sense. The truth is that they really don't know their left from their right.

    Hope you can help your family to wake up, not get baptized and become a slave to the GB.

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