Just this simple fact of life is proof of God....

by EndofMysteries 95 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DJS

    Snide remarks? I resemble that remark! As I mentioned earlier, in my sojourn from true believer to atheist I had similar thoughts for a while. A god created things and then went to another part of the universe to play around/create/rest, leaving our world to fend for itself. I don't know that I would say that he/she/it put it on auto-pilot; the world/planet is too effed up to say that (which is evidence AGAINST an all wise creator BTW). Or that said god(s) created the earth and everything on it as their last gasp before they expired. We can play around with all sorts of scenarios in our head, and they are ultimately useful in enabling us to make sense of all of this and to re or de-construct our beliefs upon our JW/WT exodus and what we have held dear to us, some of us for most if not all of our lives.

    I did the same thing. But I continued to study, reading many of the books/articles cited herein, and analyzed, researched and meditated for years. Decades. Then I began a systematic deconstruction of the scenarios and hypotheses to determine which, in my mind (my mind was the only one I was worried about and (snide remark alert) thankfully I had enough humilty during this time to not try to argue with people who knew a helluva lot more than I about these topics or desperately hang onto to failed belief systems and thought processes as if I had just left the cave.

    I even thought about writing movie scripts about it; it would make great sci-fi. I an an intelligence analyst, college prof by trade; I earn a living by deconstructing arguments, cutting through the chaff and finding the nugget, the wheat. I don't give a rip about feelings or beliefs and I only care about what I can prove or darn near prove. Otherwise I'm unemployed.

    I wil try to minimize my 'snide' remarks, but when Rose, now Tammy and QC and others preach their form of the gospel to me I really want to throw up. Snide, sarcastic remarks are my therapy. Please don't take that from me. And I promise I will stop when they and those like them stop or move past the feel/belief syndrome. They make excellent followers. The Catholic hierarch kept people like them in the dark for hundreds of years by ensuring they couldn't read, frowning on ownership or study of the bible and relying solely on them for guidance. Send the poor souls a miracle or two on occasion to keep them believing and under control. But don't let them start thinking.

    Oh, did I say Catholic hierarch? I meant JW hierachy.

  • adamah

    cofty said-

    Perhaps god blew herself to smithereens in the big bang.

    Nasty lab accident?


  • cofty
    Nasty lab accident?

    All the data fits.

    My other hypothesis is that god is a 12 year old boy with ADHD and the attention span of a goldfish. This also fits the data.

    Of course the most parsimonious explanation is stunningly obvious.

  • snare&racket

    What you call alive is simply functioning biology. We can trace the development of that biology very far back. We can even replicate the formation of the building blocks of dna from thin air (miller experiement). But of course we dont know everything about everything, we may never! But is it smart to choose a bronze age scroll and use its teachings to fill in the gaps?

    People once believed a rainbow was a message from god concerning floods as it appears in rain..... Now we appreciate how light interacts with the prisms of water, the brinze age story has been proven wrong and unhelpful.... Why would you continue to assume that what we dont YET know is answered in YOUR book, made available in YOUR lifetime. What a coincidence!

    Science on the other hand is based on evidence. How would you explain the evidence we have? The further we dig down, i.e. The further back in time we travel... Biological life gets simpler and simpler with no exceptions. We dont find complicated life at lower depths. So why? How? If we go fsr enough back in time we find regions of no life and then simple single celled organisms from billions of years ago and then multi cellular organisms etc etc etc.....

    So knowing that is the inarguable evidence.... What is your explination? We need ideas in science, wny not give some?

    When i left the JW's I was suprised at how uninformed and behind I was on modern science and development. I assume from your openeing post you dont know that humans have created life too.... Do you really think god breathed 'life' into this ?


    Today a news story broke in the UK of simple forms from space found in the earths atmosphere that appear to have not come from our planet at all but from meteors etc in space from other regions of the galaxy or universe. Some of these have been confirmed to have DNA within them. EXCITING STUFF! It is not like we are limited to the enviroments and ingrediants we understand on earth,we have the whole universe as a lab for life. This isn't just a theory....a crazy idea.... As today's news article shows, this theory alone has more evidence for its existence than your god....... That should be a very significant point for you buddy,

    snare x

  • prologos

    Does the complexity of CERN, the difficulty to replicate beginning of life tell you something?

    if our ingenuity and energy=money are reqired to duplicate natures' WORK, why are we to conclude

    that at the core it all happened by itself?

    The creator might not be a tinkerer, he/she/it did it right the first time.

    letting nature work out the great details through success.

  • jam

    Snare& racket "people once believed A rainbow was a message

    from God". Believers, Genesis 9:13-15 the rainbow, do you believe the

    rainbow is a message from God? Do you believe it's a sign of the

    covenant from God not to flood the earth? Do you believe science or

    Genesis ? That is one scripture that we all can agree, it's all out lie. LOL

  • alecholmesthedetective
  • prologos

    jam, we can agree that the flood story as a whole is foolishnesss, but the rainbow idea is a shrewed observation. On saturn, with matter in orbit in some places you might not get a specular image of the sun, and no rain bow.

    If on earth, if there were more clouds, was more matter up there 5 000 years ago, (and it was not), but without a point source of light you will not get the refraction for a smeared - out spectrum aka rainbow. On a clear day you will, get a rain bow in rain, and on a clear day you can see forever, almost .

    so chalk one up for the good observation, deduction or lucky shot of our fore bearers.

  • friendaroonie

    Yeah this is an old one. And you act like you just thought of it and you are soooo smart. Where have you been the last 150 years that this question has been argued. In fact im sure there are a dozen threads on this question right here on jwn.

  • steve2

    Others have nicely answered the OP. I remember witnessing to a householder when I was a young, keen 16 year old witness, not yet baptized but absolutely convinced the I had the Truth and evolution was wrong. The householder identified himself as an athiest and all he said was this in response to my well-rehearsed line that we humans are too complex to have just come from nothing: " So, if you're saying we are too complex to have got here from nothing, I presume your god is more complex than we are, right? By your reasoning, no one made him.So much for your argument about complexity needing a maker!" The call ended with my trying to explain God has always existed - which is simply creationists way of avoiding answering the point.

    I did not lose my belief about having the Truth then and there, but I realized even as a 16-year-old Witness that I had not answered adequately the compelling point my athiest householder made.

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