Reno Nevada JW Splinter group??

by wannaexit 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Steve_C

    I have a question. Cedars twice mentioned "18,000 memorial partakers." Has the number already been released for 2013? That's a huge increase over last year.

  • cedars


    Yes, sorry you're right. I was wrong with my 18,000 figure. Last year's number was 12,604. My apologies.


    But "we" are mostly Ex-JWs who have awoken from the mind control of the organization.
    The same cannot be said of all 18,000 memorial partakers.


    So there`s No exJW`s who still believe the WBT$ is Still the Truth?!..LOL!!..

    I`m afraid there is..I`ve met them..Some even post on this forum..

    Then when it was explained to you the difference between ex-JWs and memorial partakers,
    and how the latter could never be considered a community because there is no way for them to (1) identify eachother and (2) contact each

    Yet 2 web sites "We Know Of" exist to do that very thing..

    There may be more..

    " This further implied that the anointed are still the FDS and have an obligation to "guide" the Watch Tower Society.
    Now that I have reminded you that the anointed are no longer the FDS, you say:
    "Well aren`t you clever!.. Side step my question..Then try to inform me with old news.."

    That was the original purpose of the web site,this thread is about..

    It was to advise the WBT$ as the FDS..

    Whether the WBT$ has taken the postion of FDS from the anointed doesnt matter..

    You disagree with me as to the Purpose of the FDS..

    So my question remains:

    If the FDS doesn`t guide the WBT$,then what do they do?!..

    .......................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • cedars

    OUTLAW, you can "LOL" all you like, but I will leave this argument to stand on its own merits.

    I won't answer a question that you have entirely changed the meaning of to avoid embarrassment.



    OUTLAW, you can "LOL" all you like, but I will leave this argument to stand on its own merits.
    I won't answer a question that you have entirely changed the meaning of to avoid embarrassment.Bye.....Cedars

    If we want to guide someone to the exJW Community..We can point to one of many web sites..

    None are run by one all encompassing group..Still there is a JW Community..

    If we want to guide someone to the Anointed Community..

    There are at least 2 web sites that we know of..

    Like the exJW Community,there is no one all encompassing group..

    You couldn`t prove there is No Anointed Community..You couldn`t prove they can`t communicate..

    You couldn`t prove they can`t find each other..

    2 web sites that "We Know Of" are Evidence Enough,that those Statements are False..

    Had you answered my question..

    "If the FDS doesn`t guide the WBT$,then what do they do?!"..

    With anything other than..

    "Guide the WBT$"..

    You would have further embarrassed yourself..

    So you chose not to answer my question..

    ......................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • cedars

    OUTLAW - I have much more I could say but it would be completely wasted. Congratulations, you win again. Bye.


  • problemaddict

    Guys this is just semantics. I understand what Cedar means when he is speaking about the community. A few may know each other, but its not like there is even a loose "group" that speak and communicate to each other beyond a few outliers. Outlaw is stating that the community as a whole (whoever out of the 12 are not deranged....I would submit zero), is what he is talking about and is questioning their own thoughts about the function.

    I get it. No reason to argue, its just semantics.

    But beyond that to something useful, Maybe one or two people that think they especially are going to heaven and don't like the GB telling them to sit in the back when they have things to say, didn't like that and made it known. That seems plausible enough.

    However, the report that the area of Reno was divided into 4 different circuits seems spurious, because there are not enought people in that area for 4 curcuits. Surrounding areas are too far away. I know the geography out there pretty weel. I've even driven across Nevada. So like most things on the internet we are just trying to connect rumor,a nd truth, and figure out what is "most likely", since we cannot know with certainty unless someone has a specific credible source that can be verified......which we rarely do. :)

    So I would say there are a couple guys causing a stink. They may have a couple other "annointed" buddies they talk too. Maybe some people in the area they have spoken to have support for them, or a zealous new CO came in and removed their supporters. All of that is plausible. However....the real question is here after this "new light" is discussed, will these rebels be disfellowshipped since they have revealed themselves to the branch. That is all i am really concerned with, because if verifyable this could be a nice feather in the cap for hypocricy should any of us try to be removed for "going against the slave".

    However....the real question is here after this "new light" is discussed, will these rebels be disfellowshipped
    since they have revealed themselves to the branch.

    I would say you can count on it..

    I know of an anointed person who was DF`d for speaking up..

    The Anointed as a Group have never had power in the WBT$..

    The WBT$ is going to Crush any dissenters,Anointed or not..

    The RF JW won`t care..

    SomeBody got DF`d..

    I`m Happy it Wasn`t Me..

    ........................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • snare&racket

    There is nothing special about humans that claim to have been anointed as kings and priests by the god of the universe..... Btw this is by definition a miracle, an intervention between a human and god. But ignoring these claims for the anecdotal contributions to truth that they are...the self proclaimed 'anointed' were obviously not that wired in to god or eachother, because a publishing company was able to fleece them and send them out promoting falseteachings for most of their life... Until the said false cult booted them out and they land in such places as an internet forum.

    Non anointed people or ..... 'the emotionally balanced'.... When realising they were fleeced may simply leave. But the self proclaimed anointed can't leave with such a lubricated slip out of the door, for they would make evident the transparent nature of their anecdote: that one where god came down and personally anointed them. So they leave and for the most part insist that a miracle STILL took place despite it happening whilst they were in a false religion worshiping a false god with sn embarassingly mistaken name.

    This is ok, they are free to do so just as I am free to not believe it. I believe the governing body know full well this cult is bullshit, but to save face and not face reality they dudk their head between their legs, about where there level of courage is.... and stay quiet. The anointed are no different to me. The irony is, we all know without a shred of a doubt that the anointed JW's were not visited bu god,yet they keep up the pretense for their own personal emotional needs. The veil has been removed for us that have left so we no longer buy it. The game is up.....

    Also, few anointed come here through 'gods guidance'.... The ones I know of here were disfellowshiped, then decided the truth was nonsense....apart from that part about the anointed....

  • Theredeemer

    I can totally see the anointed having a community. They used to be important to the wbts Rank and file. They must of had concerns and worries that went beyond what a r&f member had. All this of course happening in their own mind ( cuz its all bulldookie). They convinced themselves of their anointed fds standing and now it's been ripped from them. I remember one member stating that he felt that when he would feel something needed to change he would pray about it and soon after the change would take effect. He also mentioned how others would write letters and the same would happen. Basically, the new light confirms, to themselves and others,that this was all a lie!! So, to answer outlaw, they are now NOTHING and liars! They must be pissed!

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