Has The Society, or Any Bro or Sis, Ever Screwed You Out Of Your Money?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    News item just this week of an out of work guy found a bag with about $42,000 in but despite his situation he handed it in.

    Someone saw the story and set up a fund for him, I think it's up to about $67,000 now.

    The guy said he would not have kept a cent whatever his situation.

    If this had been a JW it would have in every WT publication for months.

    The world is full of genuine honest people who are just that way, not because "I'm a JW!"


    PS Back on topic, I never do business deals with JW's so no I have never been screwed

  • Scully


    In my view, any money anyone gives to the WTS is money they're being screwed out of. It's being donated for one purpose "Bible education work" but then is diverted to other purposes, such as building fancy-schmancy headquarters, paying out settlements on pedophile defence funds, etc. Which amounts to fraud.

  • stillin

    I confess. I have returned a lost wallet and then, after a month or so, made a return visit on the guy so that he knew. But I meant well; I just hoped he would consider the message a little more carefully as an added edge to the wonderful magazines I was offering!

    so shoot me! I actually believed what I was preaching. The Society and it's host of lawyers and administrators and the realization that I was being manipulated have changed my worldview. I would still return the wallet, though. ;)

  • Fernando

    Yes, big time. At 40 we lost everything we had worked for.

    And we were blocked from pursuing corroboration of fraud by the elders.

    At least it got us started on the journey of realising the Watchtower is not who they claim.

  • hoser

    An elder I know owns a company that employs about 15 or 20 most of which are jw's. His non jw accountant pulled him aside one day and said there is a problem with the numbers.

    It turned out that the office manager(jw) who was in charge of payroll was paying her elder husband more than what he was entitled to. This had gone on for almost a year and it was in the thousands the amount of overpayment.

    The owner and employees were all in the same congregation and served on the elder body together. A jc was formed but the business owner ended up getting screwed out of his money and the two fraudsters kept their positions in the congregation

  • designs

    Fernando- I saw the same thing happen in Orange County California where a MS embezzled over $100,000.00 from a architect who was studying. The Elders, CO and even the Wt. would not help making matters right. The MS was never even disciplined.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    When I was a dumb kid of 18 years in the hall and working part time on minium wage there was a couple in the hall who had two kids. They decided they needed new carpet. Now I was living on my own and struggling to make it with no family to help me. I was always so afraid of not having enough moeny and no one to fall back on that I saved 10% of the little I made (an emergency fund) in case I lost my low paying job. Now I had $500.00 in my saving it was all I had to my name. For some reason this couple could not get a loan from the bank and stupid me I told them I had this savings. I let them borrow the money with no interest.

    When it came time to pay me back the wife was so rude and threw the money at me. I was just a kid of 18 she was pusing 40. Finally she told me it was not fare that I had money in savings. I was blown away and I said I work hard for it she said and to quote her "I do not care how you got the money it is just not fair that you have it."

    I have so many stories of the greed of ones in the religion but I am finding it is also outside. People are people good and bad, some will help you when you need it and other will take when you are down. You just need to be careful who you trust. The thing is in the JW's we are taught that we are all brothers and sisters and should trust without question. That is so dangerous.


  • flipper

    I'm like the poster DESIGNS- I've owned a business for over 30 years and although I employed many JW's when I was in the cult- not ONCE did I EVER get a job referred to me by any Jehovah's Witness. I even assisted at least 5 to 7 people over the years to start their own businesses by training them to see how to pick up accounts . No payback whatsoever. Just a good feeling within that I helped people.

    In my early 20's ( before I became self-employed ) when I was a JW I confronted an elder I was employed by who refused to pay overtime to any of us JW employees. Ended up getting into a JC meeting and he just skirted the situation by lowering our wages and then paying the overtime so that we made the same amount per month so it LOOKED like he was paying overtime. A real sleazebag. The elder ended up cheating on his wife in time and got DFed anyway- however at least 10 of his employees never received the back overtime pay we were due. And the JC elders did nothing to enforce him to pay us. They were as useful as tits on a bore hog. This organization is chalk full of stories like this. The dishonesty starts at the top of the WT organization and the attitudes trickle down into the elders and other members of the congregation like a contagious cancer. Pretty sick. I trust non-Witnesses FAR more than I ever trusted Witnesses. Been my experience anyway

  • ShirleyW

    About ten or more years ago some Brothers in NYC started an insurance business that turned out to be a scam, I do remember that one of them did get Df'd for that, don't think they all did.

  • blondie

    I have learned by observation not to lend anyone money I can't afford to lose, jws or non-jws.

    I also never have worked for jws or recommended that others do so. I have found that too many jw employers treat their jw employees badly, in ways they never treat non-jw employees.

    I watched a sister who was injured at the KH being jerked around by the elders and WTS not wanting to pay her fairly for her injuries. I have quite a few contacts in the legal world and got her signed up with an excellent lawyer. She was told by the elders that she was making God look bad. I told her not as bad as they were. She proceeded with the lawyer and he got her rightly deserved money in less than 2 weeks. That was 15 years ago and they still talk about how bad she was. I guess the WTS is self-insured but only to deal with non-jw incidents.

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