New Light not accepted by all..

by Dis-Member 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Comatose

    SSPO - You are right. That is the exact attitude my parents would have and for sure the attitude of those over 70. Past your 60's you can't stop believing. If you were born in then your life is nothing but Watchtower and you just can't throw it all away.

  • Dis-Member

    That's very valid Adamah.. yes your right.

    I guess I have some fire burning in me still.. my wounds are still very bloody and fresh and am not quite ready for the art of subtly. I'm sure it will come in time.

  • adamah

    DM said-

    That's very valid Adamah.. yes your right.

    I guess I have some fire burning in me still.. my wounds are still very bloody and fresh and am not quite ready for the art of subtly. I'm sure it will come in time.

    No worries, since as you say, your wounds are still fresh (and IF there is a next time, remember to get a pix of the three monkeys: I'm guessing one of the pioneers started covering her ears, and the others saw her and followed suit? LOL!).

    But yeah, reverse-witnessing is not as easy as it seems, so it's good to have a specific strategy in mind BEFORE encountering a JW in FS, maybe posing as an "interested one". Even something as simple as asking them about the Bible account of Adam and Eve (eg asking them to look at Genesis 3:6 to see "why did Eve want to eat the fruit, again?", and point out how unlike all OTHER Bible translations, the NWT leaves out the 3rd reason ('she wanted wisdom', which is the REAL REASON, and it's good to ask WHY their translation dropped the 3rd. That opens up a series of questions, eg "why didn't God want them to have wisdom?" or "how was Eve supposed to KNOW that it was wrong to disobey God if she lacked the wisdom needed to know right from wrong?").

    Cain's lenient punishment is fun, too (God PROTECTED Cain from retribution for his bloodshed, and even promised Cain He'd curse anyone who tried to avenge his brother's death seven-fold! Why? God "forgot" to prohibit men from killing each other, a crime of omission which he corrected only AFTER the FLood). Or the Noah account, or Lot's offering his daughter to a mob, etc.

    You don't even have to get beyond the first 11 chapters of Genesis to see something doesn't add up in the Bible, but you have to know the Bible BETTER than them, having the benefit of not wearing cognitive blinders while studying it.

    I've written on many of these topics on my blog, so check it out for ideas, as the more hands the merrier:


  • DS211

    He everyone im new here. Ive been lurking for a while actually trying to sign up. anyways i am currently, slowly trying to reach my wife who is a born-in witness. I also have two daughters who attend meetings (just babies still). I am currently deciding whether i should stay a while and try and change those in the org like thise brothers of anointed jw. However it is getting increasingly hard to do so. My wife, when i first addressed the doubts i had (clearly explained my doubt was not in god but men who claim to be his mouthpiece. Anyways she threwtened to leave me if i left the org (Jehovah). And so i plan on using the 'new light' to open pandoras box by using publications and the NWT. Delicacy is key and i have discovered a few holes in her faith in the GB that i can use to hopefully open her eyes. The dagger for me was of course the new light but also the changes and hypocrisies involved between 1874 and 1975. Learning the true history was paramount to my doubt. Sadly im baptized and was never told of this history but shown a whitewashed versions if truth. I guess rutherford never realized the internet age would expose them. Any advice/comments welcome.

  • adamah

    Welcome aboard, DS211!

    It would be great to post an intro thread, and share the specifics of your situation so we can share ideas with you (rather than taking this thread OT).

    But in a nutshell, welcome, and read around the old threads; and as you say, 'easy does it' is a good idea, accepting that you're going to need to use caution and handle the situation with kid-gloves. The 'good news' is you have PLENTY of factual ammunition available here, but remembering that it's not about facts, but more about managing a JW's emotions since that what keeps many members trapped in.


  • DS211

    How do i do that? Lol sorry

  • Vanderhoven7

    Tred softly my friend. I know a brother who finally convinced his wife about TTATT after much argumentation and she promptly left him. Your/her religion might be the thing that keeps your family together.

  • westiebilly11

    sad and worrying too that so many basically nice people are allowing the gb to take over their own ability to reason things out for themselves. one day surely many of them will wake up and face the fact that they have allowed themselves to sleepwalk into a cul de sac....what a waste of potential.... all this new light nonsense just goes to prove that the gb makes fudge on a grand scale....

  • prologos

    proof that even dedicated WT workers do not read their mags as they come. (not eager for food at the right now time).

    They study at the last moment. in the second hour of the sunday meeting.

    The "FDS sans apostles" idea "we love", will be only studied at the coming meetings.

  • dozy

    Many JWs are pretty clueless when it comes to these "deeper" doctrines.

    I had to explain to an elder in my congregation a couple of years ago about the generation change. He still thought it was the wicked ones. Somehow he'd missed at least two fundamental changes in the doctrine. Maybe he was away on holiday the weeks these subjects were discussed in the Watchtower study.

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