No sympathy for gunning deaths? Call to mP

by jgnat 68 Replies latest members adult

  • mP


    In my opinion you might find it beneficial to contemplate the idea that being an arrogant, self-righteous, ignorant blowhard carries its own karmic burden.


    Well your opinion is yours to give, but the fact you dont even realise the uS has started at the least 10 wars since WW2 as i have shown in my list in my previous post shows your an idiot in the true sense of the word.

  • JeffT

    Actually I thought it was more than ten.

    However, there have been 250 wars world wide since the end of WWII

    Your statement that the US has started more wars than everybody else is wildly wrong. I'm not going to bother reading anything else you write, you clearly like wallowing in your ignorance and prejudice.

  • mP


    I never said it was only ten, i gave an example of 10 undisputable samples. Your an idiot and a liar, making up words that i never said. My list shows the USA has started more wars than any other nation by quite a wide margin. The more we examine the list the larger the margin is going to grow. perhaps i exaggerated a bit but the fact remains unpleasent as it may be.

    If we then did a body count of these wars it too would be quite shocking for ostriches like yourself. Hardly a history to be proud of.

    I suppose you wouldnt want to tally the dead from those american wars. Too many millions.

  • besty
    Your statement that the US has started more wars than everybody else is wildly wrong. I'm not going to bother reading anything else you write, you clearly like wallowing in your ignorance and prejudice.

    @JeffT - completely agree - the sooner Simon can implement an ignore button the better.

  • Laika

    MP, it's really irritating that you always seem to resort to calling everyone who disagrees with you a liar. Makes debate pointless.

  • Laika

    MP, your original claim that Jeff was responding to was that the US had started more wars in the last 100 years than nearly all other nations combined. You have now backtracked on this, admitted that you exaggerated and are now claiming the US started more wars than any other nation which is a different argument. You can't call Jeff an idiot for assuming you meant what you originally wrote!

  • mP


    MP, it's really irritating that you always seem to resort to calling everyone who disagrees with you a liar. Makes debate pointless.


    Well lets look back at some of the claims in this one thread.

  • mP


    MP, your original claim that Jeff was responding to was that the US had started more wars in the last 100 years than nearly all other nations combined. You have now backtracked on this, admitted that you exaggerated and are now claiming the US started more wars than any other nation which is a different argument. You can't call Jeff an idiot for assuming you meant what you originally wrote!


    firstly he asked for evidence which i provided in full as a list with all those involved. I quite clearly stopped after a dozen or so. I never claimed there were not more. It was quite clear from what was being said i was referring to wars not civil wars. It does not make any sense to atempt a statement like mine and also apply civil wars to the total because by definition a foriegn power cannot be involved in a civil war. Civil wars are again internal conflicts.

    We can revisit the list again if you wish and tally all the figures. Jeff reference was to a site that includes a single sentence with the figure 250. I think i can confidently say there has not been 250 wars. If we include civil perhaps, but wars between nations, that figure is not likely. As always show links.

  • mP


    You have now backtracked on this, admitted that you exaggerated and are now claiming the US started more wars than any other nation which is a different argument.


    The total is still outrageous big. Its not like i made a claim and then the total was 1 or 2. Theres a lot of blood on the history of the US military.

    Feel free to correct the true totals if you wish.

  • mP


    good too see you chip in with more insults, simply because you disagree. Why worry abiout looking at the facts or setting the record straight.

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