No sympathy for gunning deaths? Call to mP

by jgnat 68 Replies latest members adult

  • mP


    Look at the actions. Look at the history and think how will history judge all the little wars.


    I am grateful that I live in a society that will to all to avoid war. The First World War changed everything. Before then, war was the playground of Kings. No more. I don’t think our generation will be judged so much for our little wars as our rampant consumption.

    So as long as they bomb and make orphans over there it doesnt matter ? Are you proud of all the dictators the USA has sponsored with money and arms over the years ?

    The middle east problem is in large part because of America. The situation in Iran was created by the CIA. They supported teh Shah who the people hated for good reason. Eventually revolution came and the Ayatollahs seized power. Then the USA to counter that gave weapons to another despot Saddam. This same despot who was known to kill his own people from the beginning. Now we have two terrible countries. Iran used to be a democratic place before 1952 and cia.

    I have only given one example. Interestingly you never mention this. Why is that ?

  • jgnat

    If you take money from the military your(sic) taking blood money. - mP

    More hyperbole. You make the connection!

  • mP

    Action in Afghanistan.

    The only authority who could do the inviting was the government or Taliban. - mP


    And the government in Afghanistan did petition the United Nations for intervention. As a Canadian, I know. Canadians were there first, under the banner of the United Nations. Frankly, the conflict exhausted our country and the US's support was badly needed.

    P.S. I know the American military mandate applies to the US only. I am Canadian. I started this thread because of your scathing attack on common American Army soldiers. Hence the slant of my comments. Your verdict of arrogance is premature.


    I tried your link it doesnt load. To think the Taliban would want to invite the USA any other force to attack them borders on rediculous. Can you provide another link as i have never heard of this invitattion before. I would be very much intersted in reading what it actually says. Somehow i doubt it matches this.

  • mP

    If you take money from the military your(sic) taking blood money. - mP


    More hyperbole. You make the connection!


    Its not hyperbole, because as i stated before the USA military budget has almost doubled after Iq and Af. It has been estimated that over 100k people died because of that. The money feeds the war, and because of war those poor barstards died.

    WOuld Saddam and the Taliban have killed their own countrymen. Of course many would have been killed and jailed. But that does not mean you have the right to destroy countries and kill that many people directly or indirectly yourself. Sadly S and the T would have killed thousands or tens of tshouands but not the hundreds of thosuands the USA was responsible for.

    Theres a direct connection between money being allocated to the military and the war. No money no war. Its that simple.


    jgNAT, can you label your responses it makes for easier quoting and helps the conversation.

  • jgnat

    I don't have to further defend my challenge of hyperbole. You are the one making the outrageous statements; prove it!

    Me, I'm sick of being lumped as part of the great unwashed outside the border of the US, must obviously be a US hater! It's far past due date for the US to learn to take constructive criticism for it's policies and decisions. That doesn't mean the US or the American Army is hated!

    I've provided one example where the US supported a UN action. Not the instigator - supporter! There are more examples.

  • mP


    Standing military.

    So your argument is that the US army is too big. That's a far cry from unneccessary and even farther from inherently evil. What is it, mP?


    Well its definitely not too small. All militaries are to some extent terrible places. Just look att the hazing and other similar rituals they have within. They are not healthy places. Thats just another example of the types those places attract. Abu Gharib, Guantanamo, some of the stories that have leaked show the unhealthy mental balance of the people who get involved in the military. They have little honour and too many are simple thugs.

  • mP


    Exactly my point.

  • jgnat

    About millitary makeup and the mandate of the US Army. I quoted the US Army mandate and I provided a link to it's organizational structure. About half the army is made up of its support arm. This is not rocket science. The farther an army is away from home base, the larger the support structures required to manage it.

  • mP


    Here is food for thought, comparing China's system to Democracy.


    Dont change the subject. Just because China is not a perfect place doesnt excuse the American military. My comments were at the American military its rolem purpose and history.

    Be honest and stay focused. Dont be ashamed and divert attention.

  • jgnat

    [Insert expletive] this is the last time I lead you to the trough. Google yourself!

    My link to the UN missions in Afghanistan is down for me right now, too. Try in the morning.

    P.S. You are aware that the Taliban are not the ruling force in Afghanistan, right?

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