No sympathy for gunning deaths? Call to mP

by jgnat 68 Replies latest members adult

  • mP


    Speaking as a Brit I have many criticisms of America's record on foreign affairs. Self-interest and business opportunities play more of a part in the decision-making about interventions than any of us would like.

    However, anybody who thinks the world does not need the military and political might of a democratic superpower is living in a fantasy.

    The battle between communism and capitalism was settled in 1989. There was a lazy assumption that liberal democracy and freedom for all was inevitable. It wasn't and isn't.


    sure there was a balance, but to think America brought freedom is falacy. Name a single country it helped give freedom ?

    This is the bullshit that Americans repeat and can never give an example. The american military exists to benefit itself first and foremost. there is no other purpose.

  • mP


    Obviously not all the bomb drops are a mistake. Obviously not all military recruits even see action. I noted that pretty well half the military is made up of the support arm


    This is stupid. If you make the bread that feeds the army you are helping its purpose. Without all those people behind the scenes the military doesnt function and cant take action.

    Dont be silly, we all know that not every one in the military is actually firing a gun or dropping bombs. BUt as a team they are collectively responsible. If there were no mechanics the planes couldnt take off and they couldnt bomb. Surely you can see that.

    This entire frame of apology is sad.

  • jgnat

    [Double expletive] I am done for the night. I posted the China link before you joined the conversation, and was directed more to cofty and SBF. At least with them I have an opportunity for dialogue.

    Obvious you did not watch the link. The speaker makes a strong argument for meritocracy over democracy. He gives sharp examples.

  • jgnat

    One more. Using your sweeping judgmental style, colleges must also be cesspools of mental illness, as they practice hazing, too. But that is not really true, is it?

    I have had the privelege to work alongside military veterans and they credit their service for teaching them that anything is possible. They are flexible, innovative, determined, and hard working.

  • jgnat

    I'm not apologizing for the military! There is a reason countries carry them. This point is moot.

    Hyperbole stripped, you suggest that the American military is too large and involves itself in too many wars. That's a far, far cry from evil.

  • mP


    [Double expletive] I am done for the night. I posted the China link before you joined the conversation, and was directed more to cofty and SBF.

    Obvious you did not watch the link. The speaker makes a strong argument for meritocracy over democracy. He gives sharp examples.


    How exactly does all this relate to my original assertions which are you trying to comment about ?


    At least with them I have an opportunity for dialogue.


    You have completely rail roaded the conversation. I made a statement and have given references to history. The best you can reply with is stupid nonsense like telling me that most of the us mi.itary is involved in logistics and not actively shooting etc.

    Its sad you have to concentrate on stuff everybody knows and cant elevate and address what i actually said.

    I also fail to see how discussing China in any form is in anyway an argument against what i said.

  • JeffT

    The fact the USA has started more wars in the past 100 years than nearly the rest of the world combined is further proof. When you have excess military force, there are types that want to use it, and it happens. They go looking for wars, just look at GWB father and son.

    Name all the wars started by the United States in the last 100 years. Provide documentation.

    edited to add

    Name all the wars that took place in the last 100 years. Provide documentation. Then we can do the math to see if you know what you're talking about.

  • JeffT

    Repition for emphasis, I will repeat my comment on the other thread.

    In my opinion you might find it beneficial to contemplate the idea that being an arrogant, self-righteous, ignorant blowhard carries its own karmic burden.

  • mP


    [Insert expletive] this is the last time I lead you to the trough. Google yourself!

    My link to the UN missions in Afghanistan is down for me right now, too. Try in the morning.

    P.S. You are aware that the Taliban are not the ruling force in Afghanistan, right?


    The Taliban were the ruling force when the US invasion began. Of course they arent the government today. I really wonder why you make such mundane stupid comments like this.

    no where in the link does it say the government of Afghanistan invited the US or anybody else to invade them which is exactly what you said.

    UNAMA was established on 28 March 2002 by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1401 . [1] Its original mandate was to support the Bonn Agreement (December 2001). Reviewed annually, this mandate has been altered over time to reflect the needs of the country and was extended for another year on 19 March, 2013, by Resolution 2096. [2]


    7 October 2001 – present
    (11 years, 11 months, 1 week and 2 days)

    As we can see everything in the war began before any of the resolutions you are referring too.

    Yet again your facts are baseless. You make claims that the USA was invited or had a mandate from the UN and the ones you give are after the war began.

    Go back to school or learn to read before you open your mouth and let everyone know you are a fool. Pity you had the nerve to claim i needed my hand held.

  • mP


    Name all the wars started by the United States in the last 100 years. Provide documentation.


    load the page and have a look. Its really long. here are but a few major ones where it was the aggressor. None of the examples below include UN mandates. They were all US gov initiatives.

    1959–60 – The Caribbean. Second Marine Ground Task Force was deployed to protect U.S. nationals following the Cuban revolution . [RL30172]

    1959–75 – Vietnam War . U.S. military advisers had been in South Vietnam for a decade, and their numbers had been increased as the military position of the Saigon government became weaker. After citing what he falsely termed were attacks on U.S. destroyers, in what came to be known as the Gulf of Tonkin incident , President Johnson asked in August 1964 for a resolution expressing U.S. determination to support "freedom and protect peace in Southeast Asia." Congress responded with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution , giving President Johnson authorization, without a formal declaration of war by Congress, for the use of conventional military force in Southeast Asia. Following this resolution, and following a communist attack on a U.S. installation in central Vietnam, the United States escalated its participation in the war to a peak of 543,000 military personnel by April 1969. [RL3017

    1968 – Laos & Cambodia. U.S. starts secret bombing campaign against targets along the Ho Chi Minh trail in the sovereign nations of Cambodia and Laos . The bombings last at least two years. (See Operation Commando Hunt )

    1970 – Cambodian Campaign. U.S. troops were ordered into Cambodia to clean out Communist sanctuaries from which Viet Cong and North Vietnamese attacked U.S. and South Vietnamese forces in Vietnam. The object of this attack, which lasted from April 30 to June 30, was to ensure the continuing safe withdrawal of American forces from South Vietnam and to assist the program of Vietnamization. [RL30172]

    1973 – Operation Nickel Grass , a strategic airlift operation conducted by the United States to deliver weapons and supplies to Israel during the Yom Kippur War .

    1972 - North Vietnam - Christmas bombing Operation Linebacker II (not mentioned in RL30172, but an operation leading to peace negotiations). The operation was conducted from 18–29 December 1972. It was a bombing of the cities Hanoi and Haiphong by B-52 bombers.

    • 2002 – Yemen. On November 3, 2002, an American MQ-1 Predator fired a Hellfire missile at a car in Yemen killing Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi, an al-Qaeda leader thought to be responsible for the USS Cole bombing. [RL30172]
    • 2003–2011 – War in Iraq . Operation Iraqi Freedom . March 20, 2003. The United States leads a coalition that includes Britain, Australia and Spain to invade Iraq with the stated goal being "to disarm Iraq in pursuit of peace, stability, and security both in the Gulf region and in the United States." [RL301
      • 2011 - War on Terrorism. Osama Bin Laden is killed by U.S. military forces in Pakistan as part of Operation Neptune Spear.
      • 1989 – Panama. On May 11, 1989, in response to General Noriega's disregard of the results of the Panamanian election, President Bush ordered a brigade-sized force of approximately 1,900 troops to augment the estimated 1,000 U.S. forces already in the area. [RL30172]
      • 989–90 – Panama. Operation Just Cause . On December 21, 1989, President Bush reported that he had ordered U.S. military forces to Panama to protect the lives of American citizens and bring General Noriega to justice. By February 13, 1990, all the invasion forces had been withdrawn. [RL30172] Around 200 Panamanian civilians were reported killed. The Panamanian head of state, General Manuel Noriega, was captured and brought to the U.S.
      • 1983 – Grenada. Operation Urgent Fury. Citing the increased threat of Soviet and Cuban influence and noting the development of an international airport following a coup d'état and alignment with the Soviets and Cuba, the U.S. invades the island nation of Grenada. [RL30172]

        1983–89 – Honduras. In July 1983, the United States undertook a series of exercises in Honduras that some believed might lead to conflict with Nicaragua. On March 25, 1986, unarmed U.S. military helicopters and crewmen ferried Honduran troops to the Nicaraguan border to repel Nicaraguan troops. [RL30172]

      • 1980 – Iran. Operation Eagle Claw . On April 26, 1980, President Carter reported the use of six U.S. transport planes and eight helicopters in an unsuccessful attempt to rescue the American hostages in Iran .

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