Is my Judicial Committee guided by Holy Spirit?

by 70wksfyrs 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • 70wksfyrs

    Hello everyone,

    I am a newbie to TTATT. I have been reading your posts for a few months and joined in a few times. Thank you so much for taking the time to write you experiences it really helps us newly awakened ones.

    So here is my story.......

    My name is 70wksfyrs and me and my kids are victims of domestic violence at the hands of a so called JW. Our family is scattered but I remain close to my children. They are 11 and 20. When we reported the abuse to the elders, like many others they told us not to go to the police.

    I then got frustrated and continued to expose unscriptural drunkeness, violence and lies, but got D'fd more than a year ago for reviling, and my ex? Well nothing and he divorced me, on unscriptural grounds. But he is still a JW.

    Bringing my story up to date now. I want to get reinstated because of dear loved ones, so I put my fourth letter of reinstatement in, on all the other letters I was told more time needs to pass. Well I let five months pass between the 3rd and 4th letter and trwaled the internet on so called apostate sites, and educated myself and my 20yr old about TTATT.

    The JC said they wanted to speak to me at the last meeting. This is the conversation......

    Br: Hello 70wks.. we would like to commend you for your meeting attendance etc etc.... Do you remember what we asked you to do last time?

    70wks...: Not really except that you told me a lot more time needs to pass before you will reinstate me

    Br: Well done for doing exactly what the JC told you to do excellent

    70wks........: (smiling) Thank you

    70wks......(thinking) now dont laugh out loud, he's a stupid fart I havent done anything and he hasn't even reminded me what it was that I have done. OH by the way Jehovah have you not told them I have started surfing apostate sites, and reading "Crisis of Conscience"?

    Br: So you have done so well and that's why we feel more time needs to pass...more than a month.

    70wks...(smiling) ok

    70wks...(thinking) Why you stupid control freak, how can you be guided by Holy Spirit you moron I just want to talk to my loved ones again.

    Then I walked out the Kingdumb Hall where all the publishers could see me and I was smiling and trying not to laugh because it was a whole load of nonesence. They probably are all gossiping that I will get reinstated as I was so happy.

    Its laughable but serious, I just want to be reunited with my dear loved ones again, some elderly ones miss me. Others I really want to reconnect with. For my 11yr old this is really damaging. Finally I am hurting from the isolation.

    So everyone is my JC guided by Holy Spirit? Holy Spirit by bum!!!!

    Any advice or JC stories of your own

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Not been there matey, I hope it never comes to that for me.

    Clearly they're not guided by HS, and equally clearly you're doing the right thing for you, I know not everyone would be able to stomach kowtowing to these increasingly spurious demands..

    Hope you're successful bud, keep pretending!

  • oppostate
    My JC was a week ago. I didn't go. But I know that a JC isn't guided by H.S.
    If the scriptures say stop judging or else you may be judged, how is it they persist on judging?
  • Fernando

    The details are sometimes very different, but the underlying arrogance, pettiness, ignorance and blindness of the "ruling religious clergy class" remains the same.

    Best wishes on playing by your rules, whilst they imagine otherwise.

    (Why do followers of the Watchtower religion call themselves “publishers of the Good News” whilst unfamiliar with the liberating “Good News” according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • stillin

    It sounds more like they simply don't like you so they're making it harder for you to "make it back." Think that may have anything to do with your telling the truth a few too many times?

    We can all learn these lessons in life without the pompous help of these legalistic, self-righteous, judge-mental jerks. Good that you managed to keep your thoughts to yourself, though; I'm not so sure that I could have done it.

  • sspo

    They are not guided by holy spirit but 3 or more imperfect individuals that blindly follow instructions from a book received from the GB.

    That;s their " BIBLE "

    Before they meet with someone for a JC they are advised to read a few chapters from the book and try not to deviate from it as they follow instruction


  • jwfacts

    I arrived back from a year of travelling and confessed to a JC about all the wrong I had done. I then told them every thing they wanted to hear about how repentant I was, and was not disfellowshipped. In the meeting I realised that I didn't really believe anymore and that I wasn't in the slightest bit sorry for anything I had done. That moment cemented for me that holy spirit had nothing to do with the religion.

  • lisavegas420

    I'm glad you are free and you have your children. Get your 11yr old involved with activities so he will make new friends.

    I recently shared this in another group: I've been out 25+ yrs.

    "Today I thought of something that made me sad. When I was trying to be reinstated, I came for every meeting. Waiting until just as the song started and came in quietly, to take my seat in the back. As soon as the final prayer, I immediately left. I did this for a year. No one spoke to me. My sister told me I was supposed to write a letter. What? I had no idea.
    But I did. Couple months later we met for the jc meeting. I was denied reinstatement. One elder pulled me aside later and told me to appeal. I had no idea.

    Anyway I did, elders I'd never met before came in. I wish I knew what was going on, but they were not agreeing with each other. I spent a lot of time waiting not just at this jc, but for another several weeks. I was finally reinstated. I would love to see the notes on my jc meetings. Mostly during this time I was highly medicated on valium or xynax because of my intense fear that Armageddon was going to come and the stupid ark door would be slammed with me on the outside..... so most of that time period seems foggy.
    But what makes me sad. Is all that time I wasted. Not one single person from that time of my life is in my life now, except for my children. I could have done something that could have would have benefited me and my children. Like a real job, not one that works around meeting times. Going to college and getting a real education."

  • Oubliette

    No, your Judicial Committee is absolutely NOT guided by Holy Spirit. None of them are. The elders are making it up as they go along.

    Here'a an excerpt from a recent thread on the subject that you might find informative:

    If an apostate can be reinstated--and we know that many of us have--then that means either one of two things:

    1. There is no "Holy Spirit" overseeing this so-called "Judicial Hearing" process, or,
    2. Holy Spirit is ok with allowing apostates "back-in" so they can freely associate with their relatives and friends.

    Either way, it absolutely proves: THIS IS NOT GOD'S ORGANIZATION!

  • Glander

    It is if you want it to be. Who's to say you nay?

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