UK Circuit Overseer Wife blogger - yes really...

by besty 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    She writes:

    14 members of the Gujarati's native language congo in Wembley, have been sent back to India, to continue in their Translation Committee job.

    Just Lois

    PS I wonder if they were happy about going back home, with no pay check , but a signed form that says they took a vow of poverty?

    Still, living in India's Bethel, they will be given the money to buy and cook, 3 square meals a day, along with being given appropriate shoes, clothing, eye glasses, money for transportation, Health care, Dental care, laundry facilities, running water and electricity, all housed in a solid building, with a nice roof.

    ALL of that is above India's standard of living.

    So they get all of the above, live in their home State, are near to their relatives AND are not in poverty.

    Pretty good, I guess.

    PSS Now as long as they don't get kicked out for any reason. And oh yes, when they get old, and told to leave, they will ( ?) be going out into India's streets as an older person with NO retirement savings, no anything. Sad. Oh wait. They will still have their Kingdom Smile. ( right ) facepalm

  • Watchtower-Free
  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Seriously, somebody should call her out to the Bethel of the country she is in. She will get told to take the blog down or else for sure.

  • processor

    A Cow's View!

  • jgnat

    Why report her? Freedom of speech has a way of working it's way through to freedom of mind.

  • clarity

    Hmmmmm that her husband Vincent?


    Wow ...his head is twice the size as hers.....forgive me lord

    for what I'm thinking ...... ......

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