Recent Global Cooling Controversy

by metatron 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    gosh dolly besty, you do realize those so-called "boxes" are computed by advanced statistical methods like "averages"; im not sure your not just making an appeal to authority by assuming normal people understand those sorts of things..

    After all, in august 1902 where I live it was once 30C around noon, and just last december it was like freezing -5 when i went to 7-11 for some 7-11 food... and I saw yesterday it was hotter in rome than here all at the same time which really boggled my mind, how is that even possible?

    Taking all that together, Im not sure if that dosnt proove the global temperature has been falling 35C the last century...

  • mP


    The grey boxes show decadal averages.


    yes but like i said 5th hottest out of 5 is not impressive. You need a bit more context. Its sad you cant see how poorly that info is presented.

  • besty

    @mP - can you just answer the questions pls?

    Are the grey boxes trending above or below the line as time progresses? Above/below/can't tell - your answer pls

    Are the grey boxes getting bigger or smaller? Bigger/Smaller/Can't tell - your answer pls

  • bohm

    mP: " yes but like i said 5th hottest out of 5 is not impressive. You need a bit more context. Its sad you cant see how poorly that info is presented."

    damn straight. Context. None of those "averages" over "decades" or anything like that. Context is when you look at the last 5 years. I totally see it now:

    that graph is going one way and thats DOWN. If you look at the right-most box in CONTEXT (context being the last box) its really obvious the boxes have been getting smaller and smaller all along.

    And if a person want more CONTEXT its obvious the two hottest years between 1910 and 1920 are the correct CONTEXT and one can CLEARLY see a decreasing trend.

    Anything else is just an appeal to authority.

  • mP


    damn straight. Context. None of those "averages" over "decades" or anything like that. Context is when you look at the last 5 years. I totally see it now:


    The article does not qualify the total number of decades. You are pulling information from a different set of graphs. These same graphs as i have stated contradict each other. One graph claims the temp of the about 2000 is much hotter than early 1900s and yet your own graph shows for Australia a graph that varies but overlap.

    Read the text for what it says exactly. They did a bad job by not including the total count of decades. If they are going to tell you its the 5th hottest then they better tell you out of what. When i look at your last graph there are 100 years, and guess what 2000 was the 5th hottest out of 10, which doesnt sound that impressive, but rather is normal.

  • mP


    Anything else is just an appeal to authority.


    I have never mentioned authority in any form. Why lie and claim that i did. I was only referring to raw numbers like the graphs we have been posting.

    Stay on topic and dont invent words from my mouth.

  • besty

    OK you didn't get bohms attempt at satire.

    so to keep it simple for me:

    @mP - can you just answer the questions pls?

    Are the grey boxes trending above or below the line as time progresses? Above/below/can't tell - your answer pls

    Are the grey boxes getting bigger or smaller? Bigger/Smaller/Can't tell - your answer pls

  • mP


    bohm does not know how to read, so bohm does its best, making claims that the figures dont support, and reverting to the name calling of little kids.


    Are the grey boxes trending above or below the line as time progresses? Above/below/can't tell - your answer pls


    Well to communicate effectively you need to state which graph your referring too. They are trending in most, but thats not what Bohm or Brinjen claimed. Im an exact person and if you look at what i have said, i read the text for what it says exactly. My comments reflect that.

    If we go back a few hundred of thousand years, the same averages are also jumping about. So what do you make of that ???

    Back on recent comments i made about reading the bom article about the last 100 years of averages.

    IF the text says 5th hottest, then i need to know 5th out of what. Knowing the size makes all the difference. As i state, being 5th hottest when there are only 5 samples is not impressive. If we look at the graphs just on this page, then the 2000s are only 5th hottest out of 10, which is again just above average.

    Whats impressive about being 5th hottest out of 10 ?

    Im not speaking in riddles, im attempting to read exactly what the graph says and not inventing whatever the television tells me. I wouldnt trust a tv personality for medical advice about cancer, or this or that, because most of them are idiots who just read prompts. They make unsubstanitated claims about other matters all the time. I can read and i am trying to see the numbers myself. These same idiots host shows talent shows and tell us every new performer is the most talented ever and then next week they are superceeded by yet another best ever.


    Are the grey boxes getting bigger or smaller? Bigger/Smaller/Can't tell - your answer pls


    Yes theres a slight increase in the last 100 years. Then again the graph has been jumping about for thoustands of years.

    You know very well im looking at the numbers instead of like a brain dead zombie who accepts everything demanded or lectured to me. They are getting bigger in some graphs in others they are not. If we look back a 100 or 1000 years we also see fluctuations. Its been happening since the beginning of time. Its also too easy to think we know how everything works and claim its CO2 and its man made. Like i showed BOHM a few posts back, it was warmer many times just a few houtsand years ago and we didnt have man and we didnt have factories. Im not saying i know or have all the answers, but only a fool thinks they know everything.

    Lets hope Bohm will address this last issue rather than repeating the same standard response, which is getting tired and requires no effort or thought.

    Claiming its the end of the world and we are going to drown because of man made co2 is just too easy. I originally said, governments have done next to nothing to combat CC and i stand by that. I have yet to see any dramatic change in any policy relating to consumption of fossil fuels. We are using plastics and petrol at record rates. None of this has changed. Its been 10 years thats a lot of time, something could have happened, if there was a will.

  • besty


    I did reference the graphs clearly the first time I asked - you managed to ignore my question several times.

    If I could summarise your position on a trend you admit is rising (grey boxes above the line) at an increasing rate (grey boxes getting bigger) as follows:

    Its been happening since the beginning of time.

    Would that be fair?

  • mP



    I did reference the graphs clearly the first time I asked - you managed to ignore my question several times.


    Hey, lets be fair, i have tried to respond to most q direct at me, here prolly more than anyone else.

    MP: Its been happening since the beginning of time.


    Would that be fair?


    Im trying to stay above silly name calling but i have referenced a graph i posted in this thread sevearl times.

    What about this ?

    Look at the last 10000 years. There are plenty of temps above and below today. These changes happened without factories and cars. Please tell me whats the difference between them and today.

    Nothing is constant in nature, this is yet another example.

    Like i said before, if you look at selected samples you can paint a picture but if you take a step back its not quite that amazing. Just look a Brinjen she insisted the last 3 years were the hottest, i disagreed, and then this was confirmed by an article from the BOM. Im not blaming BJ, im just saying theres a lot of poor journalism thats very low on facts and often distorted.

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