"It's Demonic" - What's the stupidest thing you've ever heard a JW say?

by schnare 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • hoser

    I was reading George Orwell's Animal Farm and one of the sisters said it was demon infested


  • TotallyADD

    I had one sister tell me going to therapy was demonic. All I needed to do was pray more and go out in service and trust in god for my depression. Going to therapy was trusting in man and that was demonic. Totally ADD


    "I genuinely care about you and your family.."


    In a community where stupid is the norm it's now hard to think of a standout comment. I've written dozens of examples and deleted as i've thought of an even more clearly stupid belief. I think "if you read this magazine and tell others about it you will never grow old and live forever" was a winner for me.

  • LisaRose

    My mom once said that "Brother ignoramus thinks Armageddon is really close, and he must be right because he's an elder". I didn't know whether to laugh at how silly that was, or cry because an otherwise intelligent woman believed something so stupid. And this from someone who laughed at Catholics because she thought they believed the pope was infallible.

  • Londo111

    When I was 17, My father burned the NIV version of the Bible that a schoolfriend gave me—he was trying to release whatever hold he thought the demons had over me through this item.

  • Vidiot

    Dinosaurs died out at the Flood and saber-toothed tigers ate plants.

  • JeffJ

    I was told once that the Tears For Fears song "Shout" was satanic because when the "brother" tried to record it from one cassette to another it didn't work.

  • Apognophos

    Oh, good lord, JeffJ. I've noticed that for some JWs, anything they don't understand is potentially demonized. It's that kind of naked superstition that was part of my awakening to TTATT.

  • Vidiot
    Apognophos - "I've noticed that for some JWs, anything they don't understand is potentially demonized. It's that kind of naked superstition that was part of my awakening to TTATT."

    "If I can't understand it, it must be from the Devil!"

    - The Church Lady, SNL.

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