July 2013 WT Sunday ? Who is now the FDS ?

by Legacy 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Legacy

    Hi George, Got it...it is rubbish but thanks for explaining.. Oy Vey... What will they come up with next ? Stay Tuned... Thanks again, Legacy

  • neverendingjourney

    2 FDS appointments

    2 overlapping generations

    This stuff gives me a headache.

  • Gopher

    Correct me if I"m wrong:

    FDS - Previously was "the group of those who worthily partook of the emblems and are the remaining anointed Christians on earth", now is "The Governing Body".

    Domestics - Curiously, this was previously considered to be "all individuals who worthily partook of the emblems and are remaining anointed Christians on earth" (e.g. the Faithful Slave was the anointed as a group and the Domestics were the anointed as individuals). Now the domestics are considered all JW's in good standing.

    Belongings - Previously were considered the earthly things of which the FDS had oversight, now it also includes the heavenly Kingdom.

    Here's the fallout:

    FDS - They cleared up this doctrine by reducing the membership to just the men at Watchtower headquarters. I had seen middle-aged men and women claim to be of the faithful slave and act like they had special knowledge to impart to other people in the congregation, and had seen certain congregation members act like they were so privileged to have one of the anointed honor them with their presence and wisdom.

    Domestics - This new explanation actually makes more sense than the old one (that the domestics was the same people as the FDS, but just as individuals and not as a group). This was always my secret understanding anyway.

    I remember back in the 1970's when our circuit overseer (Ray Harriman) told us that even though the then-current explanation about the domestics didn't make sense, we had to believe it because those anointed men who led us had special knowledge from Jehovah. Well I guess that wasn't really the case.


    In WatchTower World..

    Jesus...http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/images/photos/000/847/622/trumpyourefired_crop_100x68.jpg?1269149749 The Anointed...http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/images/photos/000/847/622/trumpyourefired_crop_100x68.jpg?1269149749

    Is Jehovahs Job Next?!...

    ........................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • neverendingjourney

    Makes me wonder whether we'll end up with 2 phases of Christ's return in the near future. One date for the beginning of his invisible reign in 1914 and some later date for the official beginning of the end times.

    Russell originally taught something along these lines. If memory serves, Russell had different dates for Satan being cast from heaven, Christ's invisible return and the start of the end times, which Rutherford later consolidated into one sole date: 1914.

  • prologos

    so once they are in heaven prior to Armageddon, there will be no more WT "appointed" "anointed" GB/FDS on earth. thanks.

  • Gopher

    @neverendingjourney -- Now don't go running ahead of the Watchtower, speculating what it might teach in the future!! If you get ahead of Jehovah's chariot you'll soon have wheel marks in your back.

    BTW - as for that "start of the end times" jazz that got pushed back to 1914, I think that JF Rutherford dreamed up that twist around the year 1925, in the article "Birth of the Nation".

    Ever since that article, JW's really believe that CT Russell prophesied that 1914 would be the "beginning of the time of the end". (Heh, he really said it would be the end of the time of the end.)

  • Vidiot
    neverendingjourney - "If memory serves, Russell had different dates for Satan being cast from heaven, Christ's invisible return and the start of the end times, which Rutherford later consolidated into one sole date: 1914."

    Probably because most of the time, Rutherford was too f**king drunk to remember three different dates.

  • Vidiot
    Outlaw - "Is Jehovah's job next?"

    Hell, that's been in the planning stages for years, now, dude.

  • BroMac
    What Are Jesus’ “Belongings”?
    Jesus’ “belongings” thus include more than just his earthly interests. They include the Messianic Kingdom.

    What are his earthly interests?

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