Mass Disfellowshippings of Inactive Ones

by bytheirworks 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthseekeriam

    I hope it's true!

  • gingerbread

    Well Steve - not to hijack the thread - in a sense you're correct. However, in my 40 + years of being involved in the Org., the 21st century JW's are changing. Radical changes are happening from my perspective.

    What happens in the next five years...nobody knows.

    Except that personal choice and conscience are being destroyed in favor of group think. Decades ago the old timers would stand up for their own personal freedom. I've seen plenty of older sisters tell an elder NO when he got to pushy. Elders would back down. Now the elder is under pressure to follow the directives from the branch - OBEY is being applied to them as much as it is to the publishers.


  • VOLO

    Speaking of OBEY I saw a great poster of a scary robot with a big OBEY command and thought it would be even coolr if someone (someone with more skills than I have) knew how to make it say OBEY AND BE BLESSED.

    Then we could turn them into T shirts for next years conventions then wear them while walking around stiff-armed like robots in front of the convention sites. Or just wear them to your neighborhood Starbucks about 10:45 AM.

    Just a thought. Ok, back to the topic.

  • Vidiot
    BluesBrother - "They want to increase their numbers, not drive them away."

    I'm not so sure about that, these days.

    While I do believe that the GB fears a mass Exodus, I can't shake the feeling that the significant increase in extremist rhetoric and propaganda is at least partly designed to turn Conscious-Classers into full-on XJWs and drive away anybody who knows TTATT.

    If I was a leader in an authoritarian high control group that was facing multiple lawsuits, prophetic failure, a reduction in revenue flow, and the very real possibility of dwindling membership, I'd want to implement some controls - especially over the dwindling membership aspect.

    After all, it's easier to maintain control over 2 or 3 million hard-core loyal members than 7 or 8 million fence-sitters.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If I don't post here, bytheirworks will send me a PM asking for my help with this thread.

    S/he must really think I am something. (Unless a bunch of you have been getting PM's from bytheirworks, which makes that poster a rumor troll.)

    Such unfounded rumors have been going around for a long time.

    What makes them decide which "inactive" ones to go after? Is it all of them or do they handpick them?

    If such a rumor doesn't come true within a reasonable time (we could even give the rest of this year) would bytheirworks apologize and cease these ridiculous claims? If it does come true within this year, I will apologize and encourage btw to tell us more.

  • Phizzy

    BTW PM's everybody for help with threads OTWO, sorry my friend , like the guy in the crowd in Life of Brian , you are not unique.

    Rumours-bloomers, sheesh, enough already.

  • LongHairGal

    Yeah, let them go ahead and do it.

    Then, one of my last few friends there might call me up and say my name was announced as no longer being one of JWs. Otherwise, how would I know? LOL.

  • satinka

    good exercise in teaching the masses to fear!


  • 5go

    Well I predicted this would happen but even so I think this is a rumor. It would explain the hounding I am now getting after I stopped going to meeting for a little over a month now.

  • 3rdgen

    Besty got it right. No need for official announcements-ever. The rabid followers are ALREADY doing it. (my entire family) My family also shuns the grown grandchild who NEVER WAS baptised who "should have been and chose to reject Jehovah". Hubby and I have NEVER expressed doubts or any other behavior against the rules except being inactive. To them we have "left the Troof" All the GB needs to do is motivate ALL JWs to become as rabid as my family.

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