Do you or yours have heart disease?

by compound complex 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    CoCo- "it's my cardiologist's house, and we had a long and very reassuring talk about my condition. All these years I was told I had asthma."

    Glad your DR. addressed your concerns, CoCo. Hopefully, you can make well-informed decisions on how to move forward.

    Was the asthma a misdiagnosis all these years and actually a symptom of heart disease?

  • rnovello

    Husband born with heart in backwards. Discovered in his 30s, now in his 60s. has had many, many problems.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Colonoscopies are the subject of jokes because it is scatological.

    The procedure itself is nothing to worry about because your mind will be in the clouds due to the anti-anxiety meds you'll be given. In fact, the hospital WILL NOT RELEASE YOU unless you have someone who will accompany you home, by car , bus, or even walking!

    Now, the AWFUL part of the colonoscopy is the week before, IF your doctor wants you to go on a liquid (water) diet and follow it with the vile "colon flush" that is often required.

    I did this both of the two times I had the procedure, but I've heard some folks who were not asked to do ANY prep at all.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Hearts and/or Colons:

    Anyway, I'm sure Nathan's heart WAS in the right place??!! LOL!!!!

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