YAY!!! My first time being shunned and it was humorous to say the least

by confusedandalone 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • adamah

    It's a really interesting insight and perspective that we gain from the perspective of the outsiders, "the shunned", since you can see the World from the perspective of outside of the social elements of control you once used to lived under, and let control you like a puppet on a string. Once you see it, it takes an act of suppression to not notice it again (although it IS possible to ignore it, and end up in another cult-like environment, if you're not careful).


  • Incognito
    C&A said: I told the girl who invited us we would leave because I didn't want to mess things up...

    As you were specifically invited by the host of the party, you should have stayed. That 'holier than thou loving brother' had not been invited by the host so if he had an issue with some of the properly invited guests, he ought to have been the one to leave.

  • Narcissistic Supply
  • problemaddict

    Jeez man it just never stops. People have such short memories when it comes to kindness shown on their behalf.

  • Oogie

    Perhaps we have something contagious!

    Yes, it's called having a brain.

  • redvip2000

    I hate that you left, although i know you wanted to be the better person. However if HE is not confortable, then HE should have left. Fux him!!

    I am going to be in the same situation in a few weeks only much worse. A good friend of the family is dying of cancer and i will have to go to the funeral. Logically i will be confronted with hundreds of JWs i know and although i'm only inactive, i wonder how many will shun me.

  • sarahsmile

    Your host should have ask him to step outside the door then politely let him know she did not invite him but her mother did.

    If he would be kind enough to just leave.

    Anyhow, your friend was in the wrong because your not disfellowshipped and he was harsh.

    Now, you never have to deal with him ever! I personally think he was jealous of you.

  • adamah

    CNA, this girl who invited you: she sounds like she's having her doubts, too, and is it possible she's maybe fishing around and toying with the idea of leaving, herself? Just saying that it may be good not to jeopardize her standing in the cong, if she's not willing to walk soon, as well.

  • losingit

    C&A, question-- once the announcement is made will you actively reject the shunning and continue saying hi to those that you knew? Or will you participate in your shunning and allow them to ignore you by ignoring them?

    I've been contemplating these options for some time now...

  • confusedandalone

    losingit- there is no way I will folow their rules everyone I see I will say whats up and have nice huge convo's.

    If they decide to ignore me I plan to make it seem like they are the crazy one. I do not abide by their rules

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