Interesting quote from July 15, 2013 Watchtower

by Rufus T. Firefly 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I hsve my study bible from the late 90's and the sister had me underline bits of Matt 24:45-47 and label the parts. I still have this bible. It is clearly labeled faithful n discreet slave = governing body. Domestics is down as anointed and all belongings is the great crowd. This is what he sister taught me in about 1998. Maybe she wax 15 years ahead of the gb.

  • factfinder

    I was taught that the faithful & discreet slave were those of Jesus' brothers, the annointed ones, as a group during any point in history and that the domestics were the annointed ones spoken of as individuals. I began studying in 1976 in the Truth book and this was the understanding I always had.

    Now this new gb comes along with their "new truths" claiming that they alone are the faithful & discreet slave.

    I guess the "Truth" book LIED about that and about "the generation that will not pass away."

  • Expanded-Mind

    I believe that the Watchtower Society's publications have given JWs a "mixed" message about this teaching over the past few decades. Officially, you would find that the teaching (prior to the new light in 2013) was that the Faithful & Discreet Slave (FDS) = any of Christ's brothers while still in the flesh over the past twenty centuries. And what is the FDS supposed to be doing? Giving out food in due season. The whole slave performs this, not just select members (at least according to Jesus parable).

    We have all likely heard stories that some "Anointed" brother or sister would send in to Bethel what they believe is a clearer understanding of certain Scriptures, etc. But are these suggestions given consideration? That's where the mixed message comes in. Because the Society has acknowledged in its publications that not all who were part of the Slave, dispensed spiritual food. Dispensing spiritual food was up to the Watchtower Society representatives at Bethel, which effectively = President and other officials and then a bit later these members became more formally known as the Governing Body.

    So I would say Rufus, you are correct when you write: "Can anyone tell me WHO in recent decades has closely identified that slave with the GB? I know it wasn't the GB who did so!" Officially they did not state that the FDS = the Governing Body, but woven into their messages through the publications was a mixed message --- and this is what groups of and individual JWs picked up on --- is the idea that the FDS was really only associated with the higher ups... the Governing Body.

    As for me, when I was a JW (1970 - 1984), I would have stated the official doctrine at the time. FDS = all the remaining members of Christ's Body on earth. But if I was asked if ALL the FDS dispensed spiritual food, I would likely have responded, no... that action is performed by the Watchtower Society / Governing Body alone. Again, I would be acknowledging that effectively, only the Governing Body dispensed food. So it would not be too much of a leap for JWs to just accept that the Governing Body alone is the FDS.


  • slimboyfat

    When is this Watchower due to be studied?

  • frankiespeakin

    Mirror mirror on the wall who the faithful slave appointed over all?

    Why it's you mr. GB don't you see?

    Why of course it's me, who else could it be,, yes it's me me me!

    Thank you mirror mirror, he he he, we love this idea, now where's my tea?

  • Ding
    I cannot believe that JWs will let that statement go unchallenged.

    When do JWs ever challenge statements that are published in the Watchtower?

  • factfinder


    The article " Feeding many through the hands of a few" will be studied Sept. 16-22 and the article "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave?" will be studied Sept. 23-29. These are from the July 15 w.

  • factfinder


    Good point. What the w says will be accepted without question. Perhaps there will be some excitement over "new light".

    Those in the congs will have no problem accepting these changes.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    New yaughts!!! We Just Love This Idea!!!

  • Splash

    NS, why do you spam so many threads with your rubbish?

    It's disrespectful to the OP and disrespectful to the board in general.

    Read posting guidelines 5 and 10.


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