It's yime for an introduction

by HowTheBibleWasInvented 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    HTBWI confessed:

    I had to struggle for over a month with a terrifying concept. I WOULD DIE and that WOULD BE IT! Evento this day it streaks terror into me. However since then I realized that this century has the potential for inventing computers capable of storing the memories of us so its a small relief.

    If you think about sometime in the distant past before you were born - let's use 666 A.D. - do you feel fear and dread?

    I'll guess you don't.

    When you die - and sooner or later you WILL die - you will not exist, just as you didn't exist in 666 A.D. There's nothing to fear and thhere will be no "you" to experience anything.

    So chillax! Don't waste your todays worrying about a tomorrow of which you will be unaware.

  • Cadellin

    Hey--welcome! That is really interesting--I, too, was awakened to the TTATT through an "innocent" foray into credible, third-party (read: Not WT) research. Amazing what you learn actually reading what scholars who have conducted broad and comprehensive studies of the Ancient Near East have written, as well as what geneticists and biologists have discovered. Amazing, isn't it, how the WT brochures and articles supposedly "proving" why the Bible is trustworthy history conveniently avoid mentioning what are certainly smoking guns as to the contrary?

    I applaud you for your intellectual courage and motivation to expose the WT's lies and misrepresentations. Most JWs prefer to not look at the seams too closely, choosing the comfort of the social mielieu and the "hope" of living forever. I, too, was heartbroken when it dawned on me that I would never frolic in the golden light of that elephant-and-lion festooned paradise, garbed in the colloquial ethnic dress of centuries past, while smiling maids bore platters of basketball-sized fruit. Damn.

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