Last night the one cool elder calls me

by confusedandalone 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • confusedandalone

    I figured he was going to arrange the committee and try to get me kicked out after the whole "big pile of books" labelled "Take this SHIT".

    Well his call made me realize that more and more people ... elders included no longer take this religion seriously. After he told me he heard what happened he actually laughed and said I would never expect that. He then told me that it is apparent that I no longer want to be connected to the organization. I confirmed and quoted the christ, "Please do what you are doing more quickly..." we both laughed and then he said things that made my head spin.

    THESE ARE HIS EXACT WORDS, "Ok ******... tell me what you want us to do?" I asked him what does he mean. He said, "Do you just want to be disfellowshipped or do you want us to just leave you alone and act like you have puilled of some great disappearing act?"

    I tried not to seem shocked over the phone. I told him I could care less what they do because I just do not have any connecction to anyone anymore. If they felt they need to df me then go ahead.

    Again he says, "It is up to you - I don't really care... everyone has to do what makes their life easier and more tolerable. You know if you get disfellowshipped it will alienate you and your parents. If you are fine with that then ok. However if you just want to be left alone so you can continue to keep in touch I understand."

    I told him I had to get back to him on this and to call me this afternoon. He then asked me if I wanted to go on a deepsea fishing trip in November with him and a few guys from his job.

    WTF is this about?? This guy I served with was a serious stickler. Tried to take people own over every single thing... now this??? Is it possible that he is coming unraveled? Probably not... but who knows

  • Gayle

    Does he hope you will 'foot' the deepsea fishing trip? Maybe he is 'unraveling.' He probably doesn't want to 'cut' you off personally. But he is in a tough spot as an elder. Time will tell.

  • PaintedToeNail

    It sounds like this elder is just going through the motions at this point. It would really annoy your self-righteous brother if you picked 'just want to be left alone', he would be miserable in his fury that you weren't disfellowshipped.

  • flipper

    CONFUSED AND ALONE- If you want to stay close to your JW family I would just fade. Otherwise you'll lose your connection with your parents. I don't know if I would entirely trust what this elder's telling you. It may just be a ploy to get you to come back to the organization while " posing " as your friend. He may be the " good cop " that the body of elders has sent to go see you with the idea of softening you up to get more of a confession out of you. Kind of how I see it. I'd be careful if I was you . Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • mindnumbed

    Wow. Very unusual to be sure. Is he becoming a conscientious elder? Surely if you speak apostate ideas you will force his hand. Is it possible he would rather let you fade because you are useful to the local congregation with jobs and taking care of your parents?

  • confusedandalone

    I have no desire to stay close to my family. After a 20 minute talk witha brother who is good friends with me regardless of my stance I found out that my Father has actually been telling people untruths about me in an attempt to make himself and my mother appear to be perfect JW parents who have a crazy son..(e.g. trying to mislead others, im trying to pull others to my side, speaking negatively about my mother pioneering etc...) Then later the same evening he calsl me to find out about my decision with the money.

    I told him no and exactly why. He hung up the phone withut a goodbye and would not pickup when I called later. So I am done with that aspect. I have no desire to fade. No disrespect to anyone doing it because I fully understand why many do and if I was closer to my fa,mily I probably would - however at this point I find it hypocritical of me to continue to be a part of a group that I detest so much. This cult is rotten to the friggin core.

    I have no idea what his intentions are... one thing I do know however is no one is getting anything out of me anymore, and I will continue on with my upfront course of saying, "Screw Watchtower".

    I will admit though, that the thought of his being aware of the tomfoolery of this religion intrigues me. I have already thrown apostate ideas his way and a few others multiple times... I have told them I do not believe that the men at brooklyn are directed by god in anyway. THAT IS THE DEATHBLOW question from the Shepherding the Flock book and still no action ontheir parts. Even the pile of books with the dirty note would probably be enough of a hint - but no action. These guys are either lazy or they just dont care


    Weird. I had a very zealous Elder tell me that, " I don't know how much longer I can take this old system." What will become of the WTBTS? How long can they keep saying "SOON?" If it's unsustainable, it will end...

    Hang in there. If they are willing to leave you alone, then I would accept that offer. Why kick the hornet's nest? Start living your life.

  • confusedandalone

    How long can they keep saying "SOON?" - Tis is my point as well. it has been 100 years at some point people have to realize that maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe something is amiss.

    The thing is though, not getting df'ed seems to be preventing me from truly moving on. I go to birthday parties / smoke / I got to community plays in churches / celebrate holidays etc... I enjoy it so much. Then a friggin elder calls to see how I am doing. Maybe someone else calls to encourage me. Regardless of what I say they just keep showing up. I have no friends except one or two persons who I know will be there even when I fully am out. So it just seems at the moment that not kicking the nest just keeps me within the "hive" so to speak.

    Over the next week I am going to do some serious searching. I have written a letter of disassociation (2 months ago) - but it just sits in my sock drawer...

  • Comatose

    Well I know you should do what is the real best course for your new life. But, I also love the idea of your brother getting pissed and amazed your not DFd. lol Also, if you really don't care about being DFd and you make the decision to turn in the letter or to tell them to df you, then I'd talk to this guy and see if he can be reached with TTATT. I think he may already be half way there.

  • label licker
    label licker

    Sounds like you've made your mind up for sure so move on! I would think twice about going fishing with that goon since he just might pull a disappearing act on YOU! (man overboard if you know what I mean)Nowadays everyone in the org is on some kind of magic pill and are very unpredictable. Good luck!

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