"What can you do to stop JW control in you...

by LDH 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    I followed Amicus thread and could not find out what all the fuss is about. Not that I care really because it sounded like personal attacks and I wasn't the one injured(this time).
    Why I am replying is the first statement you made on this thread.

    Stop referring to yourself as being raised "in the truth." Call it what is. Instead, say "I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness." You don't have to use the 'lingo.'

    I can assure you we have some strange goingons on this board, new religion, demons coming in and out, etc, etc.... But I never once saw ignorance such as this.
    You have been out for 6 months? I have been out for 8 years! I STILL say I was raised in the truth occasionally. It took them 16 years to try to brainwash me how long do you think before it is all washed out?
    No offense but come on sister(oops sorry that is also the lingo)

  • logical

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  • Gozz


  • Deacon

    I have 2 Masters and one doctorate going spare....how bout a swap for a shovel and 2 happy meals?

    Fair enough...2 shovels and one happy meal....?

    sigh...ok...ok...a Sharp MZ81 and 30 blank tapes...

  • larc


    What degree areas, want to know before I swap. How did you get them as JW, that's against the rules. I got most of my stuff after leaving. Why aren't you using them anyway?

  • Deacon

    now now larc.....tell me more info about the shovels first...and are the happy meal vouchers still in date?

  • larc


    I misunderstood you, I thought you were going to give me two shovels and happy meal coupons for my degrees. I don't need them anymore. I'm retired. No sense in letting them go to waste.

  • happytobefree

    Hey all,

    I'm an elder's daughter, with a outspoken mother, one disfellowshipped sister, one active looking to reform sister, one brother who is a pentacostal minister and one brother who don't give a poop (I'm really trying to make a point and being a little facetious at the same time). I think these descriptions help others to relate and REMEMBER there are new people lurking everyday. I know I'm fairly new and reminders of others experience is a great healing for me.

    And I often refer to myself as being RAW (Raised a Witless).

    And also, I think LDH means well. I have been warned or given SUGGESTIONS as to how I should conduct myself from her. Remember we still have some of that JW blood running through our bodies and it sometime clots around the brain. As they say you can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl. So she sometimes may still think, she must TELL us how to speak, think, conduct ourselves.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • eyes_opened

    Hey all, I asked for suggestions. No one was trying to tell me what to do or not to do! So there was no offense taken at all.



    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • LDH


    After reading the thread carefully, I don't know how you could think I was attempting to *literally* tell Eyes what to do.

    Amicus posted the link to the discussion; if you haven't read it you should do so before jumping to conclusions (like others have.)

    FOOLISH to think in such a small minded way!

    Mommy, I go out of my way to catch myself from saying I was raised in the truth, specifically because it insinuates everyone else is living a lie! Yes, of course it will take time.

    As for the person who *warned* you, Happy, just remember: A dog that brings a bone also carries one away. Be glad I give *no credence* to anything one poster says about another here.......

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