In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth...

by geek 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Laika

    "This cant be it, there cant be nothing after this!"

    If evolution is true it doesn't have to follow that there's nothing after this!

  • smiddy


    The first thing you need to do is discard the definition of evolution given by the WTB&TS. It is flawed, and biased, with an agenda to give credence to a purposeful creation by an almighty personal God.

    Educate yourself about Evolution , apart from Watchtower influence. You will be that much wiser.

    If you are serious about the origin of life,you need to do this.

    If you cant be bothered or too lazy to do this , then their is no more to be said.


  • cofty
    I am petrified of evolution being true - Geek

    That's the ting about reality, it doesn't ask for our approval.

    Evolution is a fact, the evidence is beyond all reasonable doubt. Humans evolved from non-human ancestors over millions of years.

    The details of how that happened is perhaps the most fascinating story ever told, and it is still being written.

  • cantleave

    I'd rather believe anything than believe evolution. This cant be it, there cant be nothing after this!

    Think of it this way, the evolution of consciousness is probably an extremely rare occurance in the universe. How lucky you are to possess it! Make the most of it, be grateful for it, use it to inspire others who have it now or will have have it in the future.

  • bohm

    Dont say evolution makes sense! Dont say evolution makes sense! I'd rather believe anything than believe evolution

    Then i think you need to ask yourself if you are really interested in what is true or not. Consider how you would approach someone with a similar mindset.

  • mP


    Dont say evolution makes sense! Dont say evolution makes sense! I'd rather believe anything than believe evolution.


    So you would rather take advice on creation from people that believed sick people had demons ? is that real science ? Do yo u think its scientific to test if a woman committed adultery by making her drink dirty muddy water ? Well the bible does. you can search for yourself or ask and i will find the sctipture... its somehwere in Deu.

  • konceptual99

    @mP - it's Numbers 5:11 onwards, esp 26-28

  • Comatose

    Numbers chapter five is awesome. If you want to wake your wife up, have her read that.

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