Kingdom Melodies

by Dawn 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    When my J.W. family gets together,
    they all sit around the campfire and sing them.
    Very strange sight indeed.
    My Catholic husband usually quietly rushes to get firewood or something,,, anything to escape.
    Smores anyone?!

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Believe it or not y'all, the WTS actually DID come out with a new format of music. Same songs...remixed! Kingdom Melodies #9 was the first JW CD that we actually played in the car when no other witnesses were around! It's got jazz, big band, and music that reminds me of the 'Titanic' movie. I still have it and am tempted to play it...I'm just afraid it will bring back too many raw, fresh memories for me. I'll wait until later when I've been borg free longer. When I first left the only song that would go thru my head was "Then They Will Know".

    "...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
    I'll be the one providing the fire.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Yikes: I still have the complete set of LP's from the old pink songbook. Remember side 2 of the last album has the bethel family singing certian songs? What could be more gratifying than sitting around listening to the bethel family singing song #10 (old number) "From house to house"? Or, who remembers the wonderful (!) orchestral arrangement on song # 88 "Walking in integrity"?

    PS: It's pretty sad that I still remember the song numbers from the old pink songbook which hasn't been used since 1984

  • Cygnus

    You can download many of the new kingdom melodies at

    I did, and a lot of them are really good!

  • bigfloppydog

    I really enjoyed the music, it was soothing, especially when depressed. I used to play the music and sing when I was pregnant. I was hoping my unborn child would enjoy it also. Then again I love alot of different music, always have. I still have the song book and music tapes. I don't play them now, because I think they would make me cry.

  • Solace

    "That old pink songbook"
    The W.T.S. had to make a change, that one paid too much tribute to Jesus. The newer one hardly mentions praise given to Jesus. Currently, only praise given to Jehovah is permitted.
    Ironic though, the only songs that I remember are the ones from the pink book or those same songs revised.

    I agree, I have many memories with those songs in mind.
    It would make me emotional to hear them right now, especially since my grandparents who basically introduced my family to the J.W. religion have passed away.
    Im sure if they would have known the truth about the Org. and how much pain it has brought to so many, they would never have become witnesses.

  • Pardus

    My favorite is Song 23: "Dark days are here, men live in fear...Having no hope, blindly they grope...but the Bible gives us a reason for cheer" I get a kick out of that one every time.

  • sweetone2377

    I catch myself humming and it will turn into a Kingdom melody sometimes. I used them for piano recitals. After being away from a piano for many years (once I really started getting good, my mother burned ours and i haven't been able to afford one since), the only song that I can play without music (like if i'm at someone's house and they have a piano) is song #15 I think it is, Life everlasting at last, or something or other.


    I remember that new one that came out like in 96 or 97 or somewhere around then. It actually had members of the GB singing the lyrics, so that we could all learn to sing in tune. Hey, what did they expect from a bunch of ametuers?! We were too busy highlighting the almight watchtower and beating down people's doors to practice. Besides, to get in tune would require lessons, and who had money for that after paying the WTS every month?

    Former victim and recovering wonderfully from a broken spirit
    Smile, because we all have been freed from slavery!!

  • sf

    I kid you not...Cygnus is in yahoo singing great kingdom melodies as we type. With his guitar!


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