So What Do You Think: Are JWs The WORST Religion One Could Be In?

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Having met many religious people and spoke to many, they are all near impossible to actually physically leave... Most druft away but remain a member (catholics etc), but by far the worst and most life dominating has to be Islam.

    I have a friend who would lose his friends, his family (same as jw) but then also his identity, his culture, his place in his society, his traditions, his way of life.... Everything tht makes him him. Very sad. It is punishable by death too.

  • Mahtaw

    You could he Amish. That sounds a lot worse to me.

  • designs

    LDS Scientology Islam Pentecostals

  • Gayle

    FLDS are horrible. The many wives, and often has been required to marry underage girls. They throw out the young boys (lost boys), so the old farts can get the young girls. Etc.

  • clarity

    Jehovah's Witnesses .....

    They claim to be extremely moral.

    They smile a lot ... must be so happy ().

    They are nice & clean.

    They offer instant friends & talk about love.

    They are never seen to be drunks ()

    They go to their church ...a lot.


    For these reasons they are quite dangerous ... you would never

    expect them to lie or deceive, or work hard to program your mind, or

    shun you, or pull a "bait & switch"(substituting the watchtower for

    the bible) or blackmail you into 'staying in' or else, or commanding all

    your new friends & all jw family to abandon you, or tell you that god

    will not hear your prayers if you don't obey them or ....shall I keep going................


    A social club organization that can fool many unwary victims

    because they set you up .... & you don't even realize it!


  • WTWizard

    Jokehovian witlesses--bad.

    However, it could be worse. They could be in the International Church of Christ, otherwise known as Boston Movement. In that, they are supposed to act exactly as Jesus would have done. And it's the leadership that decides how Jesus would have acted. You are asked to move, you are expected to go. In the jokehovians, they can only hound. In Boston Movement, they can do more than hound. Dating and marriage are even more restricted in Boston Movement than in the jokehovians.

    Or, the Twelve Tribes cult. No music aside their own, no reading material outside their own (though a few might read newspapers), no TV, no nothing. You work for a business owned by the cult, and they put your pay into the general fund. No private property of any kind. You own a Fenix HP20 headlight for emergencies, you give it up to the leaders upon joining, and they decide whether it gets placed in the general stash or sold and they place the funds in the general fund. Toys are extremely few in number, and shared. Someone is on hand to make sure children don't have "too much fun" (sort of like a ban on entertainment--which is actually enforced).

    And I am sure there are cults that are too new to even register. Not to mention the absolute doomsday cults that end with suicide or when a date fails--even looking only at cults that can be sustained, the jokehovians are merely the "frying pan". Yes, it is possible to jump right into the fire.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    JWs hardly rate anywhere on the public consciousness. Many don't even know that Prince and the Williams sisters are active members, or that Michael Jackson grew up as one. JWs are generally known as this strange sect that knocks on people's doors. I have found that the few times anyone has known anything in detail about JWs were when they had a friend who was one or who had been disfellowshipped. If a poll of the public were conducted, JWs would probably rate up there, but not as the worst. We know it to be the 'worst' because we all have had our experiences in with and know how destructive it is. With that in mind, you never hear of people actually being killed for leaving the JW religion as we do often with Muslims. That would be where I would start and then move my way down.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    If not the worst, then definitely in the top 3. I don't know of any other religion that is causing so much world wide damage to families over a shunning policy.

    outlaw: Good ones

  • straightshooter

    It is not the worst, but bad is bad.

  • geek

    Whats so bad about being a JW? One who truley believes? I know they spend a lot of their lives at meetings and out on field service, and I know they waste their money buying magazines and driving around territory but they enjoy it, all the witness' I know and have known have loved their life. I sometimes wish I could believe so I could be one, its a simple, happy life, my life would be much easier if I just went ahead and got baptized, but I have too many doubts.

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