my first post and some questions

by wallievase 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hello Wallievase.....You have issues with people who ______________. ( Fill in the blank )

    That is alright. You are allowed to have issues AND it is great that you feel free enough to express them here.

    This is NOT the KHall, where everyone is forced to think one way or you get the boot.

    It is wonderfully relaxing here, to ( within limits ) freely speak your mind.


  • GromitSK

    Why have an issue? Simply ask people who hold that view, why that's the case. :)

    oh and welcome

  • mouthy

    welcome wallievase....GLAD YOU COULD JOIN US,,,

  • Knowsnothing

    Hi wallievase! Welcome to the board!

    You say:

    I have issues with people who go from being a witness to losing all faith in god or the bible which seems to be the case with some members of this site. I

    just don't think you can let any religion change how you view god or the bible.

    Well, suffering and the general randomness of life, along with many illogical statements I would hear both from the pulpit and from brothers is what knocked me on my butt. I started questioning everything, and either the bible would hold under scrutiny, or it wouldn't. IMO, it doesn't.

    Please reply, let me know what you think and what my next course of action should be as I think I'm too afraid to leave because of the effects on my wife,

    family friends, etc.

    Well, for some, leaving really isn't the best option. You might really shoot yourself in the foot there and end up loosing your family. You have to ask yourself what you value most in life.

  • Truth seeker 674
    Truth seeker 674

    Welcome wallivase. There are ex elders and maybe a few present elders, bethelites and ex bethalites that post here. I would not be suprised to find members of the governing body lurking and posting here. In my case it was because of a lack of spiritual belief and questioning of everything that hastened my exit from the JWs. It was not something that I questioned after I was disfellowshipped.

    I don't know anything about you but I'll bet it must have been difficult for you to put your fist post on here.

  • skeeter1

    The Governing Body is the top of the Organization. They are responsible for setting the policies that shaped the religion. Pedophile, blood, changing core doctrines, outright perpetual misquotes in their literature, spouse abuse . . . . . How much is the Governing Body responsible for allowing these issues to fester? I think alot. All the Governing Body has to do is to set clear rules (see smoking), and they could completely kick out the pedophiles. But, instead, their policies protect and even promote known pedophiles to elder positions. Blood, now they allow all parts of blood. Blood is not sacred to the Governing Body. Yet, they are allowing JWs to die for the mistaken beleif that the Jehovah's Witnesses "abstain" from blood. I could go on & on.

    As for the God issue, I came out and went to a normal "mega" CHristian church. I really liked the message and the interpretation of the Bible. It was a deep interpretation of a scripture, applied to everyday life. I went to North Point Christian Church in Atlanta (you can listen on-line). When I realized that others had a different interpretation of the Bible, I had an "ah-ha" moment about my understanding of all other religions. I realized I didn't know squat, only what my momma and daddy and Governing Body had told me about them. So, I got some books. I started with Buddhism, Hindu, and some dealving into Islam & Judiasm "kosher" laws. Personally, I found Buddhism to be my favorite. It is very similar to the New Testament.

    When I told my JW family that i was closest to Buddhism, they quickly judged, "But, they believe in reincarnation." Well, I retorted, "So do you. What is the resurrection?"

    It was about this time that I started to research the history of the Bible itself. When it was written, how it was written, by whom it was written, were the books really written by teh purported authors, the books that were left out of the modern Bible, etc. Then, I looked at religious beliefs before the concenpt of the God of Abraham, and saw how these earlier gods melded into the God of Abraham. And, that is how I turned "against" the idea of the God of Abraham as any more plausable then Zeus. I am not saying that the Bible is worthless. No. It has good qualities to it. Just, I take it alot less literally then you are used to.

    What I am not saying is that I am the absolute authority. I am undertaking a spiritual journey. How I feel and think today, may be different then how I think tomorrow. Here is where I am at today

    Through These Godless Eyes.

    through these godless eyes
    1% at 11 of 733 seconds 0:24 / 12:13

    Through These Godless Eyes.

    philhellenesphilhellenes · 169 videos
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    Anyhow, I hope i didn't blow your mind. You asked, so I gave an honest answer from my viewpoint.

  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome wallievase, What do you want to do? Do you want to fade from the WTBTS, discuss religious doctrines, get a better education/training, improve your critically thinking skills, etc.?

    I would recommend that you continue to post on JWN and treat people with respect by listening, asking questions, and debating ideas and not attacking people personally. Atheists and Theists are people too and many Atheists and Theists have better morals and behave more respectfully to others than people who claim to be Christians. What members think of the GB might be an interesting topic for another thread, but don't expect many positive comments about them.

    If you want to fade from the WTBTS and maintain relationships with JW friends and family, than I would recommend that you create your plan to fade and include some of the following in it:

    • Post as much as possible on JWN to either vent your frustrations and to ask for help about specific points of your plan. It is better to vent your frustrations on JWN then to JWs.
    • Visit websites such as,, and, and to name a few to research the WTBTS's history and changes in doctrines.
    • Visit Steve Hassan's website to learn more about the BITE control techniques that the WTBTS does use and how to overcome them. Read Steve Hassan's books ("Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves, and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visit his website at, and watch his videos. If you don't want to get caught reading Steve Hassan's books, I would recommend buying "Freedom of Mind" in an ebook format now and "Combatting Cult Mind Control" early next year in an e-book format. If you don't have time to read now, at least watch the following two videos of Steve Hassan at least twice: "Steve Hassan explains SIA method to rescue loved ones from unhealthy situations (2003)" and "Steve Hassan at NYC Ethical Culture Society February 2013.
    • Go to local community colleges, adult education/vocational schools, and/or high schools to take aptitude tests and obtain career guidance.
    • Make more non-JW friends that you would enjoy spending time with. By the way where do you live? When you leave the WTBTS you will need a social network to help fill the void of JWs who will be shunning you.
    • Only ask simple questions to help JWs to critically think for themselves. Reading Steve Hassan's books and posting on JWN will help you. Something as simple as saying Hello and is anything wrong to a JW may help them to open up about their doubts and/or use of anti-depressants. All you need to do is help them to focus on what is causing them problems and suggesting that they use the internet to search for key phrases. I would select key phrases that might help them to discovery a JW support forum.
    • Ask JWs to do fun things with you, to do fun things with non-JWs, and/or to learn about topics/hobbies that will take a lot of time away from attending WTBTS meetings and reading WTBTS's propaganda. A very time comsuming topic to learn and one that will help you and your JW friends later in life is to learn about investing. If you lived in the USA, I would recommend going to the TD Ameritrade website and learn how to use ThinkorSwim to learn more about investing.
    • Send JWs who you know anonymous emails like I wrote about in the thread You’ve Got Mail! TM. Something as simple as sending highlighted WTBTS propaganda that you can find links for such as in the thread ROLE REVERSAL: PLACING 1969 AWAKE WITH JW'S MANNING THE NEW PORTABLE LITERATURE DISPLAYS may help JWs to wonder how soon is soon.

    Best of wishes of you fading from the WTBTS and, if you want, helping others to critically think for themselves.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • LostGeneration

    I won't give the current GB the pass that Ray gave his old pals in CoC.

    They have worked their way up in the ranks, all of them know the objections "apostates" have about blood and covering up child molestation.

    They are evil simply for allowing it to continue, just like Nazis who tried to say they were just following orders.

    They are EVIL. They suck.

  • Comatose

    Welcome Wallie. I'm glad you joined. I guess if you went back and looked at my posts I'd be the type that lost faith in religion and faith in the bible/god. But, don't let that scare you. I'm still a nice guy who has a much greater appreciation for my life and the earth I live on now. I personally would say I'm just not sure about god. But, I too think he wouldn't care a bit WHAT religion you were as long as you tried. I just take one step further. I don't think he even cares if I am of a religion as long as I live a good life and give back as much as possible.

    Lately we've argued on here a lot over god and the bible and similar stuff. But, everyone here is a kind caring person. We are really glad you have joined us. It can be very overwhelming. Just remember that the end is NOT coming. This world will go on and on. Billytheexbethelite told me just relax. Go slow. Take your time learning and don't dump on your family. You need to get out if that witness mindset of thinking you need to act now. Just go slow and relax.

    Best wishes. Look forward to hearing more from you and interacting.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hi and welcome.

    Everyone's spiritual journey once leaving the cult is different and we must respect that. For some it takes them to atheism; indeed it takes them away completely from the spiritual. That's fine. Everyone's got to work it out for themselves, and if some in doing so become atheists, well that's where their research has taken them.

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