My story so far

by brainmelt 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    I had a second cousin who died of inoperable cancer at the age of 5.

    Of all the friends, family members, and acquiantences I've known over the course of my life who've passed away, cancer's been overwhelmingly responsible for most of those deaths.

    Keep us posted on your little guy's progress, okay? We're all rooting.

  • Sammy Jenkis
    Sammy Jenkis

    Brainmelt, wish all the best for your son and congratulate you on the fade.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Welcome to JWN Brainmelt & hubby.

    Thanks for sharing your story and we're so very sorry to hear about your child's serious health issues.

    My wife and I are also atheists and agree it very freeing.

    If I thought it would help your child, I might be able to bring myself to pray to an imaginary god, but here's the findings of the biggest, most scientifically valid study ever done on intercessory prayer. The patients were all scheduled for nonemergency coronary artery bypass surgery.


    The results were devastating for the efficacy of prayer. The complication rates were as follows:

    Group 1 patients (received prayer; uncertain that they would receive it) – 52.5%
    Group 2 patients (received no prayer; uncertain that they would receive it) – 50.9%
    Group 3 patients (received prayer; certain that they would receive it) – 58.6%


    Here's hoping that the best, most scientifically valid treatments are successful.

    Best regards,

    om & wife

  • BluesBrother

    WELCOME to Brainmelt.......The more Brits the better !

    I am so sorry to read of the sickness of your child thogh, I hope that all goes well....

  • PaintedToeNail

    Brainmelt-I'm so sorry about your child's illness. It is reassuring that medical science has advanced so much and that cancer, while still scary, is often curable. You and your family have all my best wishes.

  • tiki

    Wish you the best with your little boy. It must be very difficult - but to make the most of the present and get the best out of every moment is the way to go! Life is reality....the here and now.....

    And glad you saw through the religion is far mor peaceful without that dragging you down.

    Good luck!

  • Miss Fitt
    Miss Fitt

    Thinking of you

  • problemaddict

    I have a small child, and I can only imagine the pain. I hope your boy gets better soon. While I am not athiest, I just have a hard time understanding God sitting back and letting all of these things happen because of a bet with Satan. It doesn't sit right that I if I had that power, would seemingly act with more compassion that a benevolent creator who is the personification of love?

    I don't know.

  • dissonance_resolved

    Brainmelt- I'm so sorry to hear about what you and your family have been through! I hope your son gets better soon!

    Out of curiosity, how did you help your husband see TTATT? Or did he realize it independently of you?

  • brainmelt

    Thanks so much for all your kind comments and well wishes, the little one is doing ok at the moment and treatment is going to plan for now, still a long way to go but we'll get there :)

    dissonance_resolved - a bit of both really. First of all it helped that he didn't like going out in FS so he would always make excuses not to go out, he still planned to go to meetings on his own but he didn't like to go alone so him missing more meetings meant that he was away from all the mind control and was free to think for himself. He was interested in Russells links with pyramidology, that got him looking into ancient cultures and the similarities in many stories. I got him thinking about things like the blood issue, the flood, 607/1914. He has always been interested in nature and animals and it was easy to get him watching documentaries such as the Brian Cox Wonders of Life series to really get him thinking. He now has reconnected with some old ex JW friends so he has some great conversations with them.

    It wasn't easy to start with because he still held onto so many JW teachings but he got there fairly quickly, I just had to learn to bite my tongue and not tell him the whole TTATT at once. Good luck with your husband, you will get there in time.

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