No windows on Kingdom Halls?

by just_a_girl 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Parsnips

    Hello...I wanted to mention that every kingdon hall I ever went to had windows. About 5 or 6 of them. Parsnips

  • TR

    The hall that I went to originally had windows, now they're all bricked up. So, in this case, I'd say: #1) Not letting the dubs daydream out the window, #2) The windows were very close to the ground, and rather small, so possible a break-in liability.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • SPAZnik

    LOL @ Noi

    I too attended 2 or 3 halls with windows. As a kid i used to frequently count the windows and try to peek out the curtains. Maybe that's why they stopped building them with windows.

    Or maybe it was in order to block out the "light"...hehe

    I also used to stare up and count the light fixtures. I wonder if they'll soon be holding the meetings entirely in the dark. It would be cost-effective AND mind-numbing. tee-hee.

    One hall i attended seemed especially susceptible to "attack" every halloween night. It would get vandalized, windows broken, graffiti painted outside. They now do a special "patrol" on halloween in order to discourage the perps.


  • c5

    I think cost is the number one reason, but also the prevention of vandalism. In rural MN congregation, we always had vandalism, and why not? Jw's stand out in small towns. Jw's are different and those that stand out are often subject to reactions from others, including immature vandalism. Every time Halloween came on a meeting night, we all expected to get our cars and the hall egged. We even had brothers posted outdoors to watch and catch. There were many many times rocks were pelted at the windows. The immature troublemakers found our local congregation as a target, because we stood out. I know for a fact that it happens in other congregations as I have seen it as well.

    Us individual witnesses were also targeted at our homes by being tp'd (toilet papered) and other antics from troublemakers. In a small town, everyone knew who all the witnesses were. I hated it, as I was so ashamed to be one anyway.

    I think the lack of windows takes in all the various reasons that have been posted.

    I do notice for the most part, that old halls have more windows than the ones that are new. There used to be some pretty nice (wonderfully distracting views) old halls with tons of floor to ceiling windows. I also noticed that the general congregation in the halls with the windows seemed more happier. More sunlight = more happy???? You be the judge!


    If I fail or if I suceed, at least I'll live as I believe.~~W.Houston

  • patio34

    I was told by an elder once that it is because there is basically one insurance carrier in the USA and they get cheaper rates with no windows (less vandalism that way). The older halls around here do have windows.

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