I really need some help to get out of this religion

by doughnutkitty 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • doughnutkitty

    Wow, thank you all so much for your support, helpful words and suggestions. I really, really do appreciate it very much. I'll definitely try my hardest to apply what you have all said and suggested.

    @BluePill2: I found what you said to be very helpful. I've been making all these scenarios up in my head and it's been doing my head in. I'll make sure I always try to remember that phrase "slice by slice", particularly because I have a horrific tendency to take the whole cake and try and eat it in one go (figuratively speaking, of course :p).

    @Zeb: I'm thinking about studying sociology at university because I'm interested in that type of thing. Of course, I'm sure I'll change my mind about what I want to study exactly, but I'm sure I'll find something that I like.

    @Narcissistic Supply: Aw, thank you. I've never really felt like I've had a "license to freedom", but now I'm beginning to see that I do indeed have one.

    @Ding: I'll give reading the old WT literature a go and I'll have a sit down and try reading the bible books with an open and "WT-free" mind. And, in all honesty, I've never attended a study of just the bible where it's read verse by verse, paragraph by paragraph before. The only thing for me that comes close to it is the bible reading during the Theocratic Ministry School.

    @ABibleStudent: Wow, thank you so much. Your (very long) list will prove to be very helpful for me to keep focused on leaving and not getting sucked back into that void of mindless thinking. The classes I'm currently taking at school are the ones that I'm interested in (e.g. history, geography, english).

    @DATA-DOG: My parents have never really pressured me to get baptized, they've always just left it up to me to decide when I'm ready, but of course, the expectation is and was still always there. Thankfully for me, my parents haven't always been very strict strict strict with regards to the religion, but they've never really had to be because my sibling and I are very quiet and well-behaved in JW religious standards. I haven't been to the DC yet as it's scheduled to be in three months or so, and as much as I don't want to go, I do look forward to picking apart and criticising the talks given while munching on food. hehehe

    @DesirousOfChange: I know, I have gotten some very good advice here. I'm very thankful, and hopefully it will be able to help others in my situation or a situation somewhat similar to mine.

    Since I have to regularly attend all of the meetings, I'll use that time to really try and critically analyze the Watchtower, the talks given, etc. I actually have noticed lately the WT's use of "..." within quotes and scriptures which I never really took notice of before.

    Thank you all and I'll definitely take advantage of the being able to vent and "blow off steam" on this site. Having "awoken" from the deceptions and untruths of this religion at such a young age is definitely a hard thing, but I can't imagine how much harder it would have been for all of you that were baptized and devoted for many years, only to find out the same things that I am just finding out myself. I don't think I would ever be able to get baptized with a sound conscience knowing the things that I do. What's funny is how blatantly obvious it is that there is something not right with the religion, but so so many people choose to block it out, close their eyes, pretend they never noticed and carry on "happily" with their lives, exactly just like the organization wants them to. I find it actually quite sad.

  • Quandry

    Hello and welcome to the forum.

    You seem to have a good working plan in place, and have discovered the most wonderful thing of all-you have your own mind and can use it quite well to think for yourself. I agree with all the great advice given thus far:

    Stay with your folks as they love you and are truly trying to do the best they know how.

    Baptism is supposed to be a personal decision. YOU must be the one to decide this, and if your decision is not to become baptised, don't let anyone try to pressure you into something that could have life-long repercussions.

    An education is the finest gift and goal to have-right now, make it your aim to study hard and be prepared for college. Perhaps you could get a scholarship if your grades are in the top percentage.

    Glad you are here with us!

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    Welcome aboard! You're making a great move at such a young age to live your life rather than remain a slave to the cult!


    Kool Jo

  • Giordano

    You sound a lot older then your age. Take that as a compliment.

    Remember Jesus was 30 when he was baptized......he's a good example to follow...LOL

    You have gotten good advice so I will approach your concerns from the other side. One day you will enter the Job market, live on your own and have an independent life. What kind of career will you have? You probably don't know now in part because it may not have even been invented yet. Here's a suggestion for the next two years and beyond. Do a private study of the job market. Which jobs can't be filled because they have a shortage of trained people. What hasn't yet become practical but will? Once the early computers were not practical. IBM figured that people would not want to own their own computer.... too impractical. They sold....... gave away in fact, their research to Bill Gates. He had foresight. What a head start!

    Here's a simple truth. Your parents and friends in the congregation are playing the short game with an 'Armageddon is coming soon' mentality. The WT teachers that while in fact they play a long game building and investing for the long term.

    As a JW I was sold the short term game back in the late 1950's. I got out in the early 1960's and realized that I now needed to learn to play the long game. The end would come when I died. Until that happened I needed to become a professional capable of earning decent money doing something I liked...really liked. And I needed to learn how to enjoy my life because unless there is a heaven this will be the only existence I am going to have. Which also meant I was going to live in the company of others, not worldy people but in a community of people.

  • outsmartthesystem

    Do research. And when you're done doing research, do more research. Trust us. The more you research the more your eyes will be opened to what a horrific, manipulative, lying cult this is. For me, the kicker was the whole 587BC vs 607 BC thing. If Jerusalem didn't fall in 607BC like the witnesses say, then 1914 is wrong too. And if 1914 is wrong then the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.

    Read about Beth Sarim

    Do some research about the Mexico/Malawi scandal

    Read Crises of Conscience

    Read about the Walsh trial in 1954

    You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes yet, young jedi.

  • whathappened

    You are a smart young person and I am just sure you are going to make it just fine. I am thrilled to hear that a young one has awakened and is not going to have to spend a life serving a publishing house. Good for you. We are here for you, our new friend.

  • ABibleStudent

    doughnutkitty - I'll make sure I always try to remember that phrase "slice by slice", particularly because I have a horrific tendency to take the whole cake and try and eat it in one go (figuratively speaking, of course :p). . . .

    I'm thinking about studying sociology at university because I'm interested in that type of thing. . . .

    The classes I'm currently taking at school are the ones that I'm interested in (e.g. history, geography, english). . . .

    My parents have never really pressured me to get baptized, they've always just left it up to me to decide when I'm ready, but of course, the expectation is and was still always there. Thankfully for me, my parents haven't always been very strict strict strict with regards to the religion, but they've never really had to be because my sibling and I are very quiet and well-behaved in JW religious standards. . . .

    I'll use that time to really try and critically analyze the Watchtower, the talks given, etc. I actually have noticed lately the WT's use of "..." within quotes and scriptures which I never really took notice of before.

    Hi doughnutkitty, I'm glad that you think of taking small steps to accomplish your goals. You will need to think that way to implement a long-term plan to achieve what you want in life.

    In your last post you wrote about several points that I would like you to think about when you make your plans:

    • What do you want to do in your life (i.e., travel, buy a home, etc.)? Will your career choice allow you to live the life that you want? When I was your age, I loved reading history and even won a history award in middle school in the USA. Although I loved history, I studied engineering in college because I had a scientific aptitude and I felt that an engineering career would provide a better income than a history teacher. I still love history, I use historical company research when making decisions, and I have not regretted my decision. Definately, talk with a school councilor about your options and interests and which additional subjects you should start taking in high school. I would also recommend that you learn about investing on your own so that you put any money that you earn to work harder for you.
    • Would you classify your parents as "Spiritually Strong" (blindly following the WTBTS) or "Spiritually Weak" (still thinking for themselves)? What do other JWs think about your parents? If your parents do not have any strong friendships with other JWs and could be classified as thinking for themselves, you have an excellant opportunity to help your parents to think for themselves without causing you to be thought of as an opposer/apostate. The best way would be to encourage your siblings to make non-JW friends, who your parents might like, and to use the internet to complete school assignments as much as possible.
    • When you read WTBTS propaganda, can you compare the scriptural quotes to the NWT and to other Bibles using http://www.biblegateway.com/? I like using Bible Gateway because you can do keyword searches and read the whole chapter or just a verse. Just for fun use Bible Gateway to search for the following phrase "Where else shall we go" that the WTBTS teaches JWs to say as a platitude, and then search for " to whom shall we go". Do you see how the WTBTS manipulates scriptures? I have noticed in WTBTS propaganda that the WTBTS likes to insert additional words into scriptural quotes to justify their position in thier propaganda.

    I feel that you will be very busy for the next few years doing research and making your plans if you follow peoples' suggestions, and you will start to feel hope that your life will be wonderful. Best of wishes for you thinking critically for yourself and helping your family too.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • John_Mann

    The best thing in your life just already happened.

    To a born in wake up with 16yo it's like nothing is beyond repair.

    I had a kind of semi awakening when I was 16yo but the sum of all circunstances were not on my side.

    I waked in my 24 in 2006.

    If you follow the advices here you will not have big problems.

    Welcome to the real world and enjoy your early morning of your life.

  • rmt1

    I woke up at 14 but institutional/structural ignorance and cowardice (a coin, those two) kept me in till 25.

    Something I didn't see mentioned: Arrange where possible to meet the parents of your non-JW friends. Display maturity, trustworthiness and a sense of knowing, self-aware acknowledgement that you are honoring your parents and honoring your parents' roof. I.e., give indication that you are smart enough not to be owned by this cult, but that you are also smart enough not to give grounds of wrongdoing to suspicion. In fewer words, use this time to network outside the KH. Build links and connections that will save you and can lead to inside opportunities, jobs, advance notice of certain resources. Growing your list of allies is crucial. At the same time, you must beware that allies can out you, inadvertently or otherwise.

    To stay above JW suspicion of waywardness, dress well, stay 'professional', stay respectful of the JW adults, and demonstrate real-world knowledge that adults who live in the real world must possess in order to survive. Car, job, bills. GET THEM, or their analogues in degree of responsibility. The sneer that some JW adults would wish to cast on you will be reflected back on them. And, while you are still in, some other JW adults may actually say you are 'mature for your age'. If you escape the JWs with everything intact, as well as advanced skill sets for your age, you will be taking with you the hopes and dreams of many who are helplessly and quite knowingly in that prison for life.

  • Hortenzie


    It's great that you are thinking on your own... You will save yourself from wasting your life for an "organisation" that doesn't care about you personally anyway...

    But your parents do and they love you. Don't forget that they are also people, and not only JWs. Your decicion will hurt them and they will not understand it. Be kind to them and, if at all possible, stay close to them.

    And don't do anything untill your emotions calm down and you are in a position (emotionally, mentally and phisically) to deal with your situation.

    Best wishes.

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