What do you make of this? Got slapped with a shunning after...

by Julia Orwell 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    She'd never get in as she's a 40 yo single mum and has four kids living at home lol. They don't want people like her. If only she knew just how low she is in their eyes.

  • earthfire

    You did great. It's really sad how they just can't handle ANY questions. It gets so tiresome walking on eggshells around them doesn't it?

  • sarahsmile

    Great job that is all it takes! JW can not handle another persons views.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I deleted every JW but one from my FB and it felt great. I wanted my freedom to say and do as I please. Actually, it felt good and now I don't have to read their stupid comments about the DC's and all of the other meetings. There is a sister who would write something everyday and I am sure she is counting her time and it use to irritate me to read that nonscense, now I am free of that.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I still have a couple of JWs on my facebook but have unfriended most or been unfriended. The ones who are still on are pretty laid back, and even some I unfriended wanted me to refriend them, so I did. But most are nuts and even the cool ones still there, I'm careful. I have a separate aposto account where I can really let fly.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    With the exception of a few that I later deleted, all my JW friends, (friends at the time), deleted me 1st. They can't defend their beliefs, and as a person who was later described as "too heavy a thinker", I was just avoided altogether

  • smiddy

    I have known a few what I would call "hangers on"with the religion , once baptized years ago but only seldom go to meetings maybe a CO`s visit , special talk,or the memmorial ,never go out in FS .And certainly not regular attendees at a KH.And will even have "worldly" practices that they wouldn`t want the elders to know about.

    They in effect leave the organization ,but the religion never leaves them. They truly are "captives of a concept"


  • LisaRose

    Bringing up negative things about the religion makes people very uncomfortable. They have been well conditioned to fear any hint of independent thinking. They do not want to ask themselves the tough questions, they are choosing to live in ignorance. A person in any other religion would be able to stand the thought that not everyone thinks exactly the same, JWs cannot. You are either all in and drinking the kool-aid, or you are an apostate. This is a hallmark of a high control religion.

  • Vidqun

    I agree with LisaRose, JWs are programmed to accept only that truth which is sanctioned by the GB. In the past I have written to the Society, and one of the responses I received: "We cannot comment on this topic because there is nothing in the WT publications that deals with the matter." But now they have deteriorated to such an extent that they lie under the guise of Theocratic Warfare. And yes, Jesus made it very clear who the Father of the lie is...

  • grumblecakes

    sounds like she just shut down (fingers in ears "lalal org is perfect. lalala")you were intelligently spoken, didnt go too far...i do wonder what she meant by "before the decision is made for you"??

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