Can't get any bibles?

by gold_C 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gold_C

    So according to people in every congregation I've mentionned it to, the slave isn't producing any more bibles. Why exactly is this? At first I thought that they were going to release an updated translation, like the updated brochures that were given at the latest convention, but that didn't happen, and everyone from the branch claims that there is "a reason for it", yet they're being extremely secretive.

    Can anyone who's got ties to Bethel help me out here? Though I've decided to stop believing the WT society, things like this make me nervous that there's a possibility they might have been right, as they did say they'd stop accepting new members before the system ends.

    Anyone know what's really going on here?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Last rumor I heard was from my mom who heard it from a sister whose husband is a subCO. She said that they're so busy printing Bibles in Chinese that they're behind on English Bibles. That makes no sense.

    So, sorry, but I have no insight on the Bible absence.

    I've thought about starting the rumor that they will be arranging to SELL the Bibles through an online business.

  • NeverKnew
    ...things like this make me nervous that there's a possibility they might have been right, as they did say they'd stop accepting new members before the system ends.

    When was this said?

    And are you saying that the failure to produce Bibles could mean that the they are not going to accept new members? Why are they still going door to door?

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Gold_C, Hello and welcome.

    To answer your question, they, The GB, Governing Body, will probably introduce a "new" New Version of their Bible Translation and feature it at their up coming Oct 2013 Annual Meeting and then distribute it afterward or next summer.

    Just my speculation but I am a pretty good guesser and I'm right at least 50% of the time

    If you have time, start a new thread, so we can welcome you, and tell us a bit of your Journey.

    Just Lois

  • gold_C

    I actually did start a thread a long time ago talking about my past and stuff here, Lois:

    Also, thanks for your quick replies! And to answer NeverKnew's question, it's something that I've heard in several talks from elders at my congregation. Come to think of it, now I wonder if it's something that's taught in every hall...

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Lois: The general expectation was that there would be new Bibles released at the DC this summer, but that didn't happen. I know my parents were disappointed.

    The only frame of reference I have for them making a big deal about changing the Bible was when they did a major overhaul of the French NWT. It was rather awkward. The biggest change was that they changed all the traditional French OT names for Watchtowerized names. Jeremie became Jeremiah. A lot of wording was changed so wording would be less "Catholic". Changing the English version would be most tricky since all foreign language Bibles are based on the English version, not based directly on the original language.

    Oh, and the other rumor I thought about starting was that they were going to release a revised translation and include the names of all the translators so the NWT would be able to stand up to scholarly review and criticism.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Gold _C...If you are "worried" from listening to Watchtower propaganda that the End is so close, don't buy green bananas?

    Then you need to look at their plans.

    Last year they announced a huge building project in Warwick, NY. They have bought up businesses around the area and are busy renovating the floors into

    habitable living quarters, for the 1,000's of free laborers they hope to snare to work on their Lakeside Estate for free. They announced it would take them 4 years to finsih .

    They hire Financial Money Managers that attend world wide seminars to help them make their profits, grow into more profits for them, for the years ahead.

    They have "let go" old timers from Bethel's and "laid off CO and DO's to fend for themselves after telling them they would always look after them. No. The GB members are liars. They are only looking out for themselves and their friends.

    Are you getting my drift?

    Do you know about their involvement with the United Nations?

    Do you know about their pedophile cover-ups?

    Just Lois

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    gold: "things like this make me nervous that there's a possibility they might have been right, as they did say they'd stop accepting new members before the system ends."

    There still needs to be a decisive cry of "Peace and Security"... and this is 2013, so all the BS about the supposed cry of "peace and Security" back in the 1980s is, like, a generation ago now. Also, the King of the North needs to reappear, according to their interpretation of Daniel, and then the UN and it's members are going to end religion, according to their interpretation of Isaiah and Revelation. That's when they will have "closed the ark door." I'd certainly never heard any kind of prophecy that Armageddon would start when WT stopped printing Bibles... although I wouldn't put it past some of the nutso COs to start saying something like that now.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi Billy, My speculation is next year, 2014, they are bringing all the Missionaries home again, and myself I didn't expect any "biggie" book etc this summer. The GB know their public want "new stuff" and they want their audience to get excited, so what's better than whipping out a new NWT next summer and announcing it in Oct? I only have 3 more months to wait.

    How much money will they make if 7 million people are coerced into getting a "new" Bible? Would they then make the Guinesses World Record book for most Bibles placed in peoples hands in one year, or something stupid like that? They will want you to get a Bible for your study's, for your RV's, put in Library's, displayed on their Roly Carts. lol

    I mean they call themselves a Bible Society.

    I was in San Francisco in 1961, when the new green NWT was first distributed. Ah, not too many were appreciative of its green cover. lol

    Yes, your idea of them putting names in, that's a good laugh. I don't really remember who did the research for the 1961 version. Ray Franz did the Aid Book. Oh yes, it was Ray's Uncle Freddie Franz with his week-end scholarly leanings, not learnings, but leanings toward Hebrew and Greek that skipped through and made changes, so it could be produced for Watchtower.

    I could be wrong. I could be right. In 3 months we will know.

    Just Lois

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Gold_C...Hearing things, reading things.

    With the GB, they keep changing "things" all the time.

    I was raised in the 1950's and '60's hearing "Millions Now Living Will Never Die".

    I sat in the audience of thousands listening to the Circuit Overseer and the District Overseer, doing a count down to how many months until 1975 and

    Armagddon will be upon us. They were all abusive scare tactics aimed at innocent, humble people to do more, give more. They would also sneak in the scripture

    about throwing your gold and silver in the street, for it will be worthless, as in, give it to them. The greedy Bast$$$$.

    Just Lois

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