Let's lighten things up a little

by JeffJ 15 Replies latest social humour

  • Glander

    OK. The key to a good practical joke is that no one is harmed, embarrassed or otherwise not able to appreciate the humorous aspect.

    The chocolate laxative is a no no in my book.

  • JeffJ

    One other one I did to one of my coworkers:

    We were in a tech support center and to fight the monotony we would go to thrift stores at lunch and buy things to decorate our cubicles. The guy next to be bought this horrible section of an old couch and placed it in his cube as a guest chair. It did wonders for keeping visitors away.

    One day I dismantled a computer speaker housing and removed the speaker and wire. I added an audio cable extension so it would stretch about 10 feet. I plugged it into my computer and ran the speaker wire through the cubicle wall, into this chair through a rip in the bottom.

    Then I found an audio file of Slim Whitman's version of Una Paloma Blanca. If you are unfamiliar with the song, look it up and you will see why it would drive someone crazy.

    Whenever my coworker would sit down at his desk I would start playing the song, gradually raising the volume until I would here him let out an exasperated curse and stand up to look for the sound. I would then shut it off. He went around to all the people sitting near him asking if they were listening to music. Nobody was but whenever he sat down it started playing again. I could only do it for half a day before I felt bad and confessed.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    JeffJ ...I can't imagine what life is like at your house.

    But thanks for letting us have a peek at what goes on in The Office. lol

    Just Lois

  • laverite

    There are some funny pranks on youtube (and some pretty crappy ones as well). Has anyone seen anything good online recently?

  • 3rdgen

    I've got a very old one for you. Back in the 70's (the only decade when it actuallywas kinda fun to be a dub). Bro J was a notorious practical joker. We were especially fond of him bc he is so funny. One hot summer afternoon when our cong had one of the picnics at the lake, I decided to secretly put a piece of chocolate cake on the drivers seat of his pick up. Knowing it would be dark when he got in his truck to go home, I was pretty sure he'd sit on it without noticing. Sure enough, I saw him get in and sit on the cake! Hahahah I let his daughter in on the joke (she loved it) and told her to let me know what happened when he got home and his wife P saw the gooey brown stain on his pants. (she stayed home that day)Well........................... Later that night I got a call from him. He was very serious and said "P is very mad at you" (she was my best friend) "Why?" I said. "Because I sat on our brand new sofa when I got home and now i'ts stained." I was horrified!!!! Turns out He made that up and pranked me worse than i pranked him. By the way, that whole wonderful family quit Jws cold turkey a few years later.

  • bigmac

    heres an oldie. written in UK english--words might not translate----

    office / works mens toilets. in you go to a lavatory with a roll of kitchen cling film:

    lift the seat--stretch the cling film across the rim of the toilet bowl---put the seat back down.

    next man in really shits himself.

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