I thought baptism was a dedication to God

by irondork 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • irondork

    This plays in with why they require new JWs to get baptized even though that person may have already been baptized. They don't recognize baptism as being between the individual and God. Rather, it is a contract between the individual and the corporation.

    Then they turn around and contradict themselves with this little nugget.

    w72 2/15 Living a Dedicated Life p. 121

    Regardless of how you are actually living your life, God, who accepted your sincere request at the time you were baptized, views you as responsible to stand by the declaration of faith you have made. Jesus said: “Just let your word Yes mean Yes, your No, No.”—Matt. 5:37.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Anyone, anyone at all, can dedicate themselves to God.

    But according to JW rules, baptism is a public display that you have done so.

    Because Jehovah's Witnesses are a dangerous mind-control cult, they determine what dedicating yourself to God should mean, such as selling magazines and boot-licking. They tell you that you are not ready for baptism to indicate that you are not doing the boot-licking right (or the magazine selling or some aspect of their cult rules). They cannot publicly insist that you did not dedicate yourself to God, so they just withhold their public display, hoping that the peer-pressure will cause you to correct your boot-licking and then they allow you to get baptized.

    It really is simple, isn't it?

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    I wonder what would happen if someone that was studying, going tothe meetings & service DID NOT go thru "the questions," went to an assembly & got baptized....

  • stillin

    I casually mentioned to an elder friend of mine how the public vows (you know, where most of the candidates mumble "yes") have changed since I was baptized. The"spirit-directed organization" part. He was genuinely surprised about it.

  • Satanus

    The agency that does the baptism takes it cut, in the wt case, your soul. Its like, if you went to the mafia for for something. They take their cut. If someone wants to make a dedication to god, see my post above.


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