Nice tid bit for those JW's that say Catholics are NOT Christian

by sinis 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Mp: How many christian churches read or discuss what the dead sea scrolls contain? The anser is none, because they dont want the rank and dumb to know the truth about their origins.

    Can't speak for other churches, but the LDS (Mormon) church is certainly an exception. Not only do we study the scrolls, we publish scores of scholarly papers and articles on them. We also publish extensively on the Qur'an and the Nag Hammadi library found about the same time the Dead Sea Scrolls were found (circa 1947). In fact, the Book of Mormon prophesies that such records would come forth:

    And after it had come forth unto them I beheld other books, which came forth by the power of the Lamb, from the Gentiles unto them, unto the convincing of the Gentiles and the remnant of the seed of my brethren, and also the Jews who were scattered upon all the face of the earth, that the records of the prophets and of the twelve apostles of the Lamb are true. (1 Nephi 13:39)

    You seem to feel these writings discredit Christianity; however, our own scholars have found just the opposite. I also know that the Catholic Church also has considerable interest in these writings; however, whether their papers are as readily available to its members I don't know. I do know that Father George McRae came to BYU years ago to speak on the Nag Hammadi writings and the place was packed. Unfortunately, most of their papers are published in expensive journals and aren't available for download.


    The Messiah and the Manuscripts: What Do Recently Discovered Documents Tell Us about Jesus?

  • cantleave

    Scholars from the Brigham Young University - WOW!!! Impressive. A cult university started by a ........Cult!

    Almost as good as Gilead school for missionaries.

  • erbie

    You are quite correct.

    Learning about the history of the Church was the main thing that threw me out of the Watchtower.

    I quickly realized that the way the WTS is set up makes it a weak imitation of the Catholic Church and lacks any real credibility or authenticity.

    This is the real reason why the Witnesses fear the Catholic Church so.

    And their insecurity is the only reason they constantly slander and discredit it.

    I am not Catholic but I am inteligent and well informed enough to know that it is the only Church which can trace its history back to the Apostles.

    Every other avenue of Christianity is just a breakaway.

    Whether or not they were right to break away is a hotly debated topic and an argument I won't engage in.

  • *lost*

    mp - excellent posts.

    thank you.

  • Satanus


    Does the title 'ceasar's messiah' by atwill ring a bell? It comes up, as i'm googling into this.


  • Scott77

    This thread makes me proud of my catholic heritage. Its my biggest mistake to join the Watchtower society of Jehovah's witnesses.


  • mP


    Can't speak for other churches, but the LDS (Mormon) church is certainly an exception . Not only do we study the scrolls, we publish scores of scholarly papers and articles on them. We also publish extensively on the Qur'an and the Nag Hammadi library found about the same time the Dead Sea Scrolls were found (circa 1947). In fact, the Book of Mormon prophesies that such records would come forth:

    What do the Mormons say about hte two Teacher of Righteousness aka jesus mentined in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    The b of Mormon is a fraud. There are a few vids that cover how the book of Abraham was translated from some Egyptian scroll. From just one glyph an entire chapter was written. Eventually this same scroll was given to a true egyptologist who said the book was not about Abraham. Funny but true.

  • mP


    Ive read the book. Its disturbing how many facts about Titus campaign match jesus own ministry. Even if you ignore that just look at what Jesus truely taught. Look at the messages he repeated most often. Two examples standout, slaves be good and obedient. And pay your taxes. There can only be one example jesus was a roman stooge. Just like today, kings were heard of religion back then. The Ptolomies themselves created the god Serapis to keep the egyptians happy and it worked! Serapis was half Eygptian god half Greek.

  • mP


    9. I believe in the holy catholic church : the communion of saints:


    Do you ebelive like it says in Matthew that believers wont get harmed by snake bites and can raise the dead ?

    Because if you do, lets find some snakes and try.

  • mP


    3. Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary:


    This is a perfect example of how christianity is just a rip off made up of many religions. There is no scripture in Isa ( i think its in cahpter 7) about the messiah being born of a virgin. Even the NWT says maiden here not virgin. The christians inserted the virgin thing to copy the pagans. All pagan heros have virgin mothers. They say this so they can claim to be half god, without man father, they pretend they were fathered by a god, eg Hercules, Alexander the great etc. Im not saying Alexander was a myth but his mother Olympia said she was impregnated by Zeus. So the authors had to make up this unnecessary lie.

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