Was the TM School really any good ?

by Phizzy 22 Replies latest jw experiences



  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    It was good for me, helped overcome anxieties, insecurities and terror at speaking in front of people.

    Also fed the "inner actor" in me too, Julia! lol

  • Pink sapphire
    Pink sapphire

    The tms did produce some good speakers however what was in the book was pure basics that were common sense and could be picked up anywhere, such as questions illustrations, pausing etc. what I always thought the tms failed to deliver on was personality and humour. Everyone delivered the same style and a persons natural character never seemed to shine through to their talks, particularly for the brothers, the sisters IMO had a slightly easier task!

  • Quendi

    I started a thread on this a short while ago that got some replies. You can read them here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/255265/1/What-Good-Has-the-TMS-Done

    I had a good experience with the TMS and can honestly say I got many benefits by participating. However, on balance I must say the school is an overall failure. As has been noted, most Witness public speakers range from mediocre to downright bad. This is not to say there are not good public speakers among Witnesses, but I believe that is because such speakers had the raw natural ability in the first place. I often counseled School overseers on the finer aspects of public speaking. Many school overseers couldn’t teach a rock to stay hard let alone how to become effective speakers and teachers.

    The school was instituted 70 years ago back in 1943 by Nathan Knorr. When I first started in the TMS back in 1975, there were six student talks given. Now there are only three and I don’t see how such an abbreviated course can benefit the majority of people. And the new guidebook is definitely inferior to the old one. The new one has been dumbed down considerably from its predecessor. But mainly I believe the TMS is a waste of time. Not everyone can be an accomplished speaker no matter how much time they devote to studying the various methods and techniques. But I don’t expect the WTS to ever admit that.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I hated it. Far from helping me, the criticism of a kid was evil.

  • Dagney

    I would say on paper, the idea was pretty good, and I think overall, if you use it they way you would any opportunity to learn, you can certainly improve using the guidebook.

    From what I understand the TMS Overseer is a newboy position because it took so much work, the body couldn't wait to pass it off to the new appointee. Unfortunately, it was not the right position for some, and the congregation suffered for it.

    In the big picture, if as kids we were encouraged to participate in school activities, clubs debate teams...I think most of us kids would have benefited more than a 5min presentation in the TMS. When I quit the school I told the overseer "I graduated."

  • TOTH

    More like script training for a telmarketer or door to door salesperso...

  • wasblind

    I get a kick when I apply old light to the methods they teach in the ministry school book


    What you need to do ?

    " Speak in a manner that show that you are fully convinced of the truthfullness and importance of what you are sayin' "____Theocratic Ministry School Book page 194

    " Before the last members of the generation that was alive in 1914 will have passed off the scene, all things foretold will occur, including the great tribulation in which the present wicked world will end"_____Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 97

    Decades later,

    Oops, make that an Overlappin' one

    Now go back out and sell this mess wit' conviction


  • WTWizard

    It did help. That is, help people to waste their time reinforcing doctrines. You give a "No fornication" talk, you are that much less likely to wish to do fornication. You do a no-materialism talk, you are supposed to hate materialism above and beyond the bare necessities. You do a talk on stumbling others, you are supposed to give up everything because it "might" stumble someone. And, if not, Brother Hounder is more likely to be extra strict with you because you just gave that talk.

    Not to mention, wasting 6 hours on a stupid Number Two Talk that produces no additional benefits after the first 5-10 minutes.

  • Ucantnome

    i got worse i got g's when i started and 30 years later w's.

    I was as nervous the first time as i was the last time.

    i used to give 5th talks and even opened the service meeting along time ago but ended up giving bible readings in the 3rd school and getting a 'work' on it.

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