Former Long Time Elder - Judicial Committees

by James Jackson 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sd-7

    sosoconfused, Doubting Bro--thanks. I guess I overdid it there. I've actually had the chance to talk to or text at least a couple of ex-elders, and found them to be interesting, decent people. I'd probably have a root beer with them if I was the kind who went places and did things with humans other than my immediately family (some of whom are probably only still there because it's three squares and a roof they don't have to pay for). And I guess the fact is, even one or two of the elders on my JC seemed at least decent enough to come up and invite me to return to meetings when I came to pick up my family. I guess it's just...I've encountered more elders like the chairman of my JC than the compassionate, relatable kind. I'll get over it. --sd-7

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