A cult of Sociopaths undergoing a makeover

by Terry 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • SafeAtHome

    "Disabled self-expression". Beautifully put, Terry. i can think of so many times I was personally aware of any individuality being squelched. Back when I was in, we had a piano at the Kingdom Hall. One sister played beautifully and would often put a little extra in to a rendition of a song. It was melodic and pleasant to hear. She was counseled to stick to what was in the songbook. We felt bad for her. Now it is what? Recorded music so all the good little robots are listening to the same tune. It might seem like a small thing, but it is just another facet of total control by the WT.

  • Poztate
    Good read as usual. One slight thing is mustaches are allowed.

    Thats only for women....oops I meant now they may be allowed but they never used to be in my location.

    I imagine they are still frowned on in many locations.

    I remember when the only dress shirt allowed on the platform was white...no pastels need apply

  • trujw

    You comment on funerals totally ad flashed my mind back to my youth. I use to go to funerals of people I barely knew. It felt no different than a meeting. Sad only when I left and went to a real funeral with real emotion did I ever cry over the lost of a loved one at a funeral. The emotion would over take you. It was an outpouring of love from the heart.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Mustaches are NOT allowed in mine. If I was in a congregation 5 minutes away. It IS allowed. Was told it' s a cultural thing.

    But, I was defiant and grew mine anyway. But really, what woman looks good with a mustache!!! Lol


    Terry, your list of what makes up a sociopath is spot on!!!

  • frankiespeakin

    This thing about certain types of body hair not being allowed has many facets. I'm sure nasil, eyebrows & ear hair if it gets too unsightly would require a special talk and some private council from those qualified to teach.

  • Terry

    One stand-out of cultic mindset is the preoccupation with bodily concerns and purity!

    The disturbed mind fusses over trivialities because the larger and more significant aspects of life are out of their control. Consequently, the little things are micro-managed to the point of obsessive absurdity!

    Have you ever wanted to say to an Elder, "Oh please! You can't even manage your own life and here you are telling me how to live mine!" ?

  • james_woods
    Mustaches must be a variable thing. Several in my cong have them (myself included), including some MSs and Elders.

    You have a congregation, Terry? You have grown in my admiration.

  • Mum

    Another thing I've noticed about sociopaths is that they accuse others of doing things they themselves do. When the "apostates" are accused of trying to draw others after themselves, lying, and being mentally diseased, they should consider the source, i.e., the ones who really fit this description!

  • wokeup

    Doctrinally perhaps, but the push for uniformity in appearance remains strong

    in my locale. I chose to grow my beard out 6 months ago. After being seen in public, 2 elders to came

    to my employment. The look on their faces was priceless. (Hadn't been to a public

    meeting in sometime) Anyway, I told them I had a skin condition and it was exacerbated by my razor ;)

    One of them actual said it looked good on me. Haven't seen them since.

  • Zordino

    The Watchtower Society fosters the creation of SOCIOPATHS!

    Don't all cult members eventually all take on the cult leaders personality? Sociopath, Deranged, Mentally ill, delusional thinking, all rolled up together!

    The Leaders of this abomination of a religion ARE Sociopaths 100% !

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