What do you think happens when we die?

by cognac 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • *lost*

    The wee beasties have a feastie ... nom nom nom.

    If someone is taking hallucinogenic drugs, like Magic mushromms and stuff, like the Shamans did ..... and they seen/experienced

    things... would that evidence have merit.hmmm... the mind boggles.

  • steve2

    Those who do read the book recommended by FHN might like to also see the interesting range of considered responses to that book. Google the title and/or author and you'll access a wide view of that book.

    Of course, if you are just wanting a nice comforting picture of the "next" life or the "after life" or whatever you call it, do what the witnesses do well: Block your ears and make like the critics are ill-motivated, bitter people. Hey, if it works!

  • Seraphim23

    Interesting comment DATA-DOG because from what I have studied regarding NDEs there does seem to be a correlation between culture and what is experienced, although interestingly the pattern is the same. It’s the tunnel of light in the west as the beginning theme most often but in other places it is a boat crossing a river and so on. It suggests that a belief structure influences the iconography to some extent. Of course it has to be said that this doesn’t provide the support it might seem to that such experiences are of the dying physical brain, due to accurate information cleaned from such experiences that could not be accounted for using the normal physical senses suggesting non local senses of some kind the physical body doesn’t have. In some ways it reminds me of the verse about Jesus:

    Mark 6:5

    “And because of their unbelief, he couldn't do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them.”

    So even here there seems to be a link between perception and outcome. We know that what we see with the physical senses is influenced by what we expect to see, to a limited degree anyhow and with the quantum world as you mentioned, observing seems to change the behaviour of photons without any known or detectable forces between the observers sensing equipment and the photons. Obviously to any reasonable person there is much more to reality than meets the eye, if you forgive the pun.

  • cofty

    If you have been under general anesthetic you will know that you have zero consciousness until they bring you round after the procedure. No dreams, no awareness at all.

    The mind is a function of the brain.

  • *lost*

    Cofty - good point, true. You dont even finish the count down and boomph, your gone, no recollection of anything. Suddenly you wake up, surreal.

    Unless your one of the unfortunates where they got the mix wrong and you were just paralysed and felt all the pain

    but couldn't alert anyone, scary (shudders), now that to me is a bad dream.

  • Seraphim23

    I’m not sure that necessarily is the case cofty because I also do not remember being in the womb or being a baby, but I did have consciousness apparently. The only different is that I don’t remember it. So it is possible that consciousness exists during general anaesthetic but memory of it doesn’t work. Consciousness and memory are not always synonymous with one another apparently.

  • Kensei01

    Hi all. I like this thread and it's been interesting reading everyones comments. I truly believe it dosen't matter what we think since it is obvious that there is no way for mankind to cross the gulf between life and death and quantify it for the living. Every thing else is pure speculation. We have no idea at all what happens after death and all evidence; or lack thereof; points to us never knowing. There is no emperical or repeatable evidence of life after death. I truly believe it is out of mankinds reach no matter how long a reach we develop. Any answer to this question is valid since no answer; at least to the living; is wrong or right.


  • jam

    Plain and simple, we are recycle. Our body, nutrition for

    the soil and the energy from our body back into the atmosphere

    to be recycle in the body of some other poor soul.

  • cantleave

    When I die I will be surrounded by naked virgins and will drink the wine of the gods.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    " If we are just dead then there is no point to anything I do. "

    No one, NO ONE, knows for certain what happens when we die, other than what happens to the body.

    If there is nothing more after death, that should make every moment of your life more precious.

    Life is its own point.

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