Question for the married guys

by TweetieBird 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    Yes, it is. I have female friends I am not attracted to that are very dear to me. I've had sex with some of them in that past, depending on maturity level it either ended in disaster or we are still friends.

  • mrsjones5

    My husband has many women friends. I know them all and am not threaten by his friendship with them. It is possible for a married man to have female friends.

  • LisaRose

    My husband has female friends, mostly people he works with or used to work with. I do not fell threatened, he is clearly not attracted to them, and I have met them and he is completely open and honest about the relationships. If the man in question has problems in the marriage, or is hiding the extent of the friendship that is a huge red flag that his intentions could me questionable. He should be able to share every text with his wife, if he wouldn't be able to do that, run like the wind away from the relationship. I have seen this happen with a neighbor, twice, both coworkers of the man, it did not end well. The weird thing is the first one got divorced and moved, the second cheater moved into that same house, and both were named Matt. It's been called the cheating Matt house ever since.

  • Quarterback

    Sometimes it's possible to keep it respectable, but it depends on the persons.

  • msconcerned

    From what i have seen and experienced, it is very difficult to just stay friends.

  • GLTirebiter

    Much depends on your mind-set and motivation, and what you mean by "attracted to". Many men, myself included, have worked with attractive members of the fairer sex for decades without going astray. But if trouble is what you're looking for, you will find it. For your own answer, look in your own heart!

  • sooner7nc

    No I don't believe so.

    We love you too Tal!

  • CaptainSchmideo
  • FlyingHighNow

    Here's the deal: ONLY text and call a woman you find revolting.

  • scotoma

    I have 3 very close female friends.

    My wife and two daughters. That's about as much conversation as I can handle.

    Before my daughters became adults I had several female friends that I would talk with on a regular basis.

    Friendships sometimes are higher maintenance than a romantic attachment.

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