G Losch: child baptised at 5, reg pioneer since!

by fifth.column 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    I guess the GB are so afraid their membership is going to slid down, they are changing their attitude about child baptisms.

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    This is awful!

    Growing up without a childhood. My biggest pet peeve in this organization. Why can't Jesus' example be followed in this regard?

    Let people make a conscious decision once maturity is reached. Why would such a life-altering choice be made when a person is not fully developed?

    No different than the baptism of infants in other religions. No difference at all!!!

    Parents and legal guardians of these poor ignorant children are to blame for this tragedy.


  • cookiemaster
    Blondie and the rest that raised the issue of being able to read, this might not be a thing you hear in America or whatever western country you're from, there's this thing called illiteracy and you don't actually need to know how to read to be a JW. There are lots of people in poor countries that didn't have the chance to get an education and don't know how to read.Some of these are JW's. I've known some myself. So, she doesn't need to know how to read. The problem is with understanding, not reading. At 5, you can't even cross the street by yourself (or shouldn't be allowed), so how the hell do they think you can make such a huge decision? It's their double standard crap. I've seen 7 year olds get baptized. The story might not be bullshit, but their teachings on this matter sure are. What a filthy hypocrisy to practice when you claim to follow Jesus' example of baptism, and then baptize five year olds. And, they can't motivate this by saying the Armageddon is coming. Didn't they used to say children are saved by the virtue of their parents? Certainly this extends well into the age of teenagehood. So, they're basically admitting to child abuse.
  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    I don't mean to throw a wet blanket here....and this is far from unbelievable.....but has anyone actually verified this?

    I mean....it seems highly unlikely even by JW standards. Context? Video? Corroboration even? Otherwise its really hard to "use". Know what I mean?

  • careful
    Are they working toward infant baptism eventually?
  • steve2

    Problemaddict2 - great questions. I'm wondering why no recordings have surfaced. It is incredibly easy to mishear and/or partially hear something and become convinced something else was said when it was not. Equally, it is also incredibly easy to use a phone to record presentations. But nothing.

    I'm interested in whether any corroborative account emerges. If true, and the child is truly a sterling example for other children, I'd also wonder why her example has not been featured earlier in their published literature.

  • fifth.column

    Hello guys,

    Sorry I made no record.

    But as Losch spoke in French, I'm sure I understood correctly. My wifewho is still IN too, we had a long discussion in the car about it, she was very upset.

    And I can't lie, I was raised as a JW (just kidding!)

    I found a thread started 2 weeks ago on a French forum on this : http://www.forum-religion.org/watchtower/la-violence-psychologique-infligee-aux-enfants-t33372-30.html

    Even if you don't speak French, you will notice the sentence in red near the bottom of the page :

    Lettre d'une fillette de 10 ans Pionnière permanente depuis 4 ans, baptisée à 5 ans !

    => Letter of a 10 years girl, pioneer since 4 years, baptised at 5.

  • blondie

    cookiemaster, I might add that I was talking about English-speaking congregations in the US. Doesn't the WTS have classes to teach people to read or is that only hype. We had 2 MS that could not read, born in the USA, went to school, but dropped through the cracks in life in general. They expected that God would miraculously give them the ability to speak in the new system, and all the time being micromanaged by their literate wives.

    I have worked off and on with a literacy program in my area, working mostly with Hispanic speakers (my 3rd language). The program is free and there are always more students than teachers.

  • steve2

    Thanks fifth.column for your response. The information is appreciated.

  • cookiemaster
    Blondie - That's nice. I didn't know you had such a program in the US. We have many third world migrants, as of late, here in Europe, but there are no classes to teach them (not in my country, at least).They either baptized them as they are (illiterate) or the brother/sister they're studying with teach them how to read. I have to commend you for your work. Education is one of the best things we can give to people.

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