When You Were A Little Kid, What Did Your Mother Say To Get You To Eat Your Vegetables?

by LoisLane looking for Superman 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    FlyingHighNow , After I read yours, I thought PARSNIPs, yuck. lol

    I didn't like Rutabaga's either. A sister made them along with a turkey dinner to welcome me to their congo many years ago. She said just try them. They were good! But I was an adult then. lol Not a kid. (She cooked them half and half rutabagas and farm carrots).

    We had my daughter's worldly school friend over for lunch. For dessert, we had French Apple Pie Yogurt (is what it tasted like. Don't quite remember it's official yogurt name). She said "Gross". I said, "Is it the name that grosses you out?" "Yes". I told her I didn't like the name either but it really tasted pretty good and I would give her a quarter, if she would just take a tiny taste. She said yes, OK and tried it. I lost a quarter and she became a dedicated Yogurt eater! True story.

    Just Lois

  • LisaRose

    I was the last of six kids, I think she kind of gave up. I hated peas also, I remember a few discussions about that, I still don't like them, although I eat every other veg.

    My husband would not eat any green vegetables, and still doesn't. So his mom told him the pea soup was "ham soup" he ate it and it's still one of his favorite things.

    I never forced my kids to eat anything, I think that is futile. I just kept offering various vegetables, prepared in different ways, they learned to like most of them, even broccoli. Our rule was you had to take a "no thank you" taste, after that, no forcing, but you got nothing other than what was on the table. I saw moms forcing food, I don't think that is healthy. I also saw parents who fed their kids hot dogs every day, because they would eat no other food, that is crazy, you can bet that child would not starve if his mom just didn't make hot dogs.

    My JW mother in law used to watch my kids when I worked. They gave my kids hot dogs every day, to this day my daughter will not eat them. I finally started packing lunches, I don't know why she couldn't make a peanut butter sandwitch. She was the worst cook, she gave us frozen pizza when we visited. The next day, leftover frozen pizza. Every Sunday she would boil some kind of meat, with no seasoning, until it was mush. Then she would reheat that evety day for the rest of the week, and served it with applesauce and cheap sandwitch bread.

  • exwhyzee

    We were so poor we had more problems than you'd find in a typical math book but getting us to eat wasn't one of them. Eating vegetables was for rich kids. For breakfast (if we were good) we'd sometimes get "toaster shakin's ". Mom (bless her heart) would tip the toaster upside down over the bowl we shared, give it a good shake then pour a little powdered milk over the deliciously burnt crumbs. To this day, the smell of burnt toast sends me down memory lane. I also didn't have any clothes as a kid which meant I couldn't go outside during daylight hours. Finally, on my 8th birthday my Dad (not a JW) got me a hat so I could at least look out the window. Later I started wearing the hand-me-downs of my older siblings but unfornunately I only had sisters.(that's another story) My sisters and I didn't have any real toys but we used to make up our own games. One of them was called "The Donner Party". Another thing we liked to do was to make toys out of whatever we could find laying around. One time we were rolling an old barrel down the street and some smart ass kid asked us if we were moving. He was one to talk, his brothers used to pee in the dirt and make their own mud pies. Not only that, their whole family shared the same hair brush...even the dog. The poor dog caught their head lice, they caught his fleas and they all had dandruff.

    Anyway, I liked this post, it made me remember some things I had blocked hadn't thought about in a long time.

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